Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Conficker Worm a Bust

Conficker worm day (aka let's-get-the-world-paranoid-over-nothing day) has come and gone. Reminds me of the Y2k scare back at the turn of the millenium. All talk and no action. Oh well, that's good news anyway... or maybe the Conficker worm's creator(s) are waiting for a more inconspicuous date to perform their assault against the world. MWWAAHHHAAAHHAAA. Probably not though.

What is happening actually, is the worm is "dialing home" but no one is answering. IT Security experts are saying that with all the publicity and people all over the world watching the worm's actions, the boss(es) of the worm do not want to give away their plans or have anyone figuring out who they are. Right now the boss(es) are just lying low and not responding to the ~ 10 million infected computers desperately waiting for new instructions. Unfortunately, everyday in the future could be the day that the boss(es) give the worm an update which could be anything from a practical joke to something that could have seriuos repercussions worldwide. Only time will tell.

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