Monday, June 15, 2009

Fantastic Four Reboot and Lone Ranger in the Works

When word like this comes around, you know that there must be a nerd god somewhere. The Fantastic Four movie series, while not a complete failure, sure did leave a bad taste in your mouth a few days after seeing it. I can remember getting so hyped up to go see it and afterwards, just being... well, let down. Hopefully they do it right this time and not use a freakin dark-haired, dark-eyed looking girl again. Everyone knows that Susan Storm has blonde hair and blue eyes. Come on Marvel! Work with me here. (Yea, I know they dyed her hair and used contacts, but for me it just wasn't believable.) Anywayz, It'll be cool if they can successfully reboot the franchise and get some good storylines going. That what a great comic book deserves!

In other news, some moron is planning on making a Lone Ranger movie. Yippee... *rolls eyes*

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