Friday, November 20, 2009

College Humor "Prank War" (Take a Break and Watch This)

Oh my God! This is hilarious. The clips are long but they are so freakin funny. One of the guys at College Humor (Streeter) starts by doing a prank on a fellow worker (Amir) and they begin a "Prank War" that goes back and forth with elaborate pranks over the course of a few years (I think). I was laughing so hard, I was crying. Just watch the videos. You won't be disappointed. Thanks to my friend (you know who you are) for showing me these clips. *videos below*

Prank #1 - Audio Prank

Audio Prank! from streeter seidell on Vimeo.

Prank #2 - The Prank War Continues

Prank War Continues... from Amir on Vimeo.

Prank #3 - "Andy Bloom" joins the Prank War

The Prank War Goes On! from streeter seidell on Vimeo.

Prank #4 - Streeter Bombs

Prank War Continued: Streeter Bombs from Amir on Vimeo.

Prank #5 - Amir's Big Break (with Human Giant)

Prank #6 - The Yankee Prankee

Prank #7 - The Basketball Prank

Prank War #8 - The Skydiving Prank