Saturday, September 5, 2009

PAX 09 (Part 2)

(Continued from Part 1) - The second part of day 1 of PAX '09 was better than the first part. Around noon as we were walking back to the room, guess who we saw walking into The Cheesecake Factory? Freakin Morgan Webb and Blair Herter!!! They are hosts on G4tv (the videogame channel). I religiously watch Xplay on G4... so this was a big deal to me. And on top of that I just found out a few weeks ago that Blair Herter is from Lafayette, LA! I approached him and spoke to him a bit about him being from Louisiana and how surprised I was to find that out. And after a few minutes, their table was ready and he offered to buy us a round of drinks later that night if he saw us out. I couldn't believe how nice he was. But he is from Louisiana, so what do you expect?

Morgan Webb and Blair Herter

After my starstruck episode, we went back to PAX and realized it was a lot more crowded than it was when we left. Still, we walked around and made the most of it. Eventually we ended up at the Friday night concert, but it was not very enjoyable probably because there was no alcohol. And alcohol is necessary to have fun. We decided instead to head back to the boardgame room and play 'Race for the Galaxy' instead. Then we went back to the room for sleep. Looking forward to tomorrow. It'll be a long day. *pics below*

Seriously, WTF are these people dressing like?

Hotties dressing up make them even hotter

There are even mini's at PAX '09

Very well-painted mini's

Morgan Webb on 'The Beatles RockBand' (and no I'm not stalking her)

'Mass Effect 2' Booth

N8 & Moose playing 'Mass Effect 2' demo

Ratchet from 'Ratchet & Clank'

Playing Starcraft in FreePlay area

Yes, that's the $200 'Dune' boardgame available for check out

PAX Friday night concert


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This was my first time going to PAX, and I really enjoyed it. Obviously from the pics it was a video gamers heaven. The games I'm looking forward to are SC II, Brink, and Battlefield: Bad Company II. And for the board gamers, there was a wide variety of boardgames available for check out and even some tourneys for the more popular board games. I noticed that prices at booths for board games was much cheaper than those offered at GenCon. By the way, I got to also attend a panel presented by the G4 crew. They mentioned how much more enjoyable PAX was compared to any other convention they had attended.
