Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Hurry and Sign Up for the Zombie Attack Preparedness Team (Z.A.P.T.) Before It's Too Late

I watch a show on G4 called G4 Underground. The show covers unusual topics that other "big" networks won't cover such as Urban Spelunking (spelunking in abandoned buildings), Salvia Divinorum (a legal psychedelic drug similar to LSD), and L.A.R.P.A. (Live Action RolePlaying Association). It's a good show and I look forward to it when it's on.

Well, today I was watching the latest one and there is a group of people who call themselves Z.A.P.T. As mentioned above, it stands for Zombie Attack Preparedness Team. These people frequently run drills to prepare themselves for the Zombie Apocalypse. Yeah, they don't just say jokes about it like us. They really think there will one day be a Zombie Apocalypse and they are prepared. The show has footage of them (men and women) scrambling to gather supplies and weapons (semi-automatic rifles and shotguns) along with their 3 year old baby strapped to their back. As they are speeding off to the "Alpha Location" they get an emergency call from the leader of Z.A.P.T. saying there is an urgent need to change the destination to "Bravo Location" because Alpha Location is compromised. This is just one example of a drill the Z.A.P.T. runs routinely to prepare themselves for the unexpected.

Weird. That's all I'm going to say. Oh... one more thing. These people are from and live in Lafayette, Louisiana. Yeah... not kidding. But a part of me isn't really surprised either. Below is a clip from the show that I found on YouTube. I tried to recognize the people but couldn't. Maybe you guys will have better luck.

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