Friday, December 4, 2009

Modern Warfare 2 Javelin Glitch

Guess I'm late to the party with this one (considering this youtube video was posted Nov 29), but there is a glitch on Modern Warfare 2 that allows you to be a walking bomb. Basically, any time you die, you will blow up and kill several people around you. Shot and killed? BLOW UP! Knifed and killed? BLOW UP! Fall from a Far height and die? BLOW UP! It is a glitch with that uses the Javelin and semtex. Since it is a glitch it is frowned upon, and supposedly if you use it on Xbox Live and are caught - you will be banned for 24 hours. It's supposed to be fixed in the next update.

The explanation on how to perform the glitch starts at the :40 mark. *Video Below*

1 comment:

  1. you knew that was comming sooner or later
