Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Apple Working on a 4G iPhone

Upset because you bought an iPhone 2G or iPhone 3G instead of waiting for iPhone 3G S? Well, don't feel bad because soon (probably next year around June) Apple will be releasing a new iPhone possibly called the iPhone 4G. It's been speculated recently on several blogs, but no details or confirmations ever truly came to light... until now.

A newspaper in China reported that a research worker for Foxconn (iPhone manufacturer) committed suicide after a prototype iPhone that he was responsible for went missing. It is reportedly only one of sixteen prototypes, but the damage this could cause for Apple is tremendous. Cell phone manufacturer's could use the information to suppress and minimize Apple's (extremely large) market share. You can read the article here.

It's ashame what happened to the guy, but this is proof (sort of) that Apple has every intention of making as many iterations of iPhone as people have iPods.

1 comment:

  1. It would seem like our modern day Prometheus shared fire with the rest of the world...Uhh ohhh Apple....time to kick it up a notch!!
