Sunday, July 12, 2009

'Heroes' is getting desperate for Viewers

courtesy of

Hayden Panettiere going gay on 'Heroes'

Several overseas media outlets are reporting that Hayden Panettiere's character Claire Bennett (the Cheerleader) on NBC's Heroes will go gay next season.

A source told the UK's Daily Star that Claire will share a same-sex kiss with her college roommate. “It’s just girly fun at first. But it might progress into a more serious relationship. It depends on how viewers respond."

The 19 year-old actress dated her Heroes co-star Milo Ventimiglia (Peter) in real life for several months, but the two allegedly had a nasty break-up that made working together on set difficult.

The show could certainly use some help after two lackluster seasons and plummeting ratings. If you want to see a hot lesbian relationship on network TV, make sure to tune in to Heroes and send the producers your messages of support!


  1. Just when I was about to quit watching heroes. I'll have to see how hot the roommate is

  2. It would be awesome if they would show them eating each other's pussy or at least fingering each other.
