Wednesday, November 18, 2009

'Battlefield: Bad Company 2' will (probably) Pwn 'M.A.G.'

It's not looking good for 'M.A.G.' right now. I haven't played the 'M.A.G.' beta enough to give it a fair review, but what I have played did not seem as enjoyable as what 'Battlefield: Bad Company 2' looks to be.

From what I understand, if you preorder it you will get access to all the in-game items, but if you don't, then you will have to unlock them ala Modern Warfare 2. (I think). Either way, the first video below shows you the "extras" you get when you pre-order it. The second video is just some random game footage to show off how good the game looks. And the third video is a 13 minute walk through with the PS3 beta (that is currently available, btw). *videos below*

G4tv Gameplay Footage from PS3 Beta

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