Saturday, November 28, 2009

Gamer Sues World of Warcraft for Ruining His Life

courtesy of appscout

A California-based gamer is suing World of Warcraft maker Activision Blizzard for ruining his life.

Erik Estavillo is accusing the publisher of maintaining a "harmful virtual environment" via "sneaky and deceitful practices," according to GameSpot.

Among other things, Estavillo is annoyed by the monthly $14.99 access fee, the speed at which players can move within the game, WoW's player resurrection process, as well as charges Blizzard requires for players to change things about their characters.

The player also claims that he has developed physical and mental ailments as a result of his WoW playing. Estavillo said he does not want to end up like an EverQuest player who committed suicide in 2001 over a sense of alienation brought on by playing games, according to the suit obtained by GameSpot.

This is not the first time Estavillo has sued a gaming company, however. He sued Sony's PlayStation network for a violation of his First Amendment rights after he was banned during a game of Resistance: Fall of Man. A judge dismissed that case in September. He has also sued Microsoft and Nintendo because a broken Xbox caused him undue stress and a Wii blocked access to a third-party program he wanted.

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