Wednesday, May 27, 2009

How People Cheat on Xbox Live!

You know all of those "God" players on Xbox Live. Well, this is how they do it. They cheat with a "lag switch" that causes all the other players to be still.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

How to Tell a Woman You Love Her

This video is dedicated to my fiance... because you mean the world to me and I would be lost without you. I love you.

Best Anniversary Gift Ever -- powered by

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Clip from Movie "The Foot Fist Way"

A (prophetic?) clip from the movie "The Foot Fist Way".


Take a Break and Watch This: RV too Tall for ATM Ceiling

Someone sent this to me by email and all I could say after watching it was "OH SHIT!" Here ya go...

Missing Link Fossil Found?

When I loaded up Firefox this morning and it went to my default page (, I noticed google had a strange icon next to it's name. The one here to the left. I didn't know what it meant, but while browsing the morning news I soon found out.

Some scientists 2 years ago found a 47 million year old fossil so well preserved that the contents of it's stomach were still distinguishable. They named the fossil Ida (after one of the founder's/scientist's daughters) and they are claiming that it could be the missing link between lower primates (lemurs) and higher primates (apes, humans).

BUT there's a catch. As stated by the NYT, "the event, which will coincide with the publishing of a peer-reviewed article about the find, is the first stop in a coordinated, branded media event, orchestrated by the scientists and the History Channel, including a film detailing the secretive two-year study of the fossil, a book release, an exclusive arrangement with ABC News and an elaborate Web site."

Makes you wonder if all the hype behind the find is truly a scientific breakthrough or just capitalism rearing it's ugly head. It kind of reminds me of an article I read a decade ago about the Archaeoraptor. That article turned into a publishing nightmare for National Geographic as they tried to backtrack and salvage what credibility they had left.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Take a Break and Watch This: Gamer Trailer

Gerard Butler (King Leonidas in 300) is starring in a new movie called "Gamer". It looks pretty cheesy, but since it's about video games and Gerard Butler will be in it, I'm looking forward to it.

Take a Break and Watch This: Star Trek vs Star Wars (Are they really any different?)

Take a Break and Watch This: Sherlock Holmes Trailer

Sunday, May 17, 2009

E3 Preview: 360 and PS3 to get Motion-Sensor, Wiimote-like Peripherals

After watching Nintendo's motion-sensing Wii console race to the top of the sales charts, it appears rivals Sony and Microsoft may finally be ready to unveil their answers at next month's E3 video game show.

Reports have surfaced recently that both Sony's PlayStation 3 and Microsoft's Xbox 360 are close to unveiling new control schemes that would allow people to use natural gesture-based interfaces.

The move, if true, would help them broaden their audiences to mainstream and casual players, who have flocked to the Wii and its motion-sensing controllers.

Variety reported late last month that Sony is reportedly preparing a one-handed PS3 controller that uses light-emitting diodes that communicate with a camera near a television to manipulate on-screen movements in a manner more accurate than the Wii.

Last week, the Wall Street Journal quoted sources who said Microsoft is readying a 3-D camera for the Xbox 360 that would detect full-body movements. The camera is said to utilize technology from 3DV Systems, an Israeli company that Microsoft reportedly bought earlier this year.

Both systems will probably be introduced at E3, the video game industry show in Los Angeles next month.

These are not the first such non-Nintendo devices to emerge. Sony already has an EyeToy accessory that picks up 2-D movements. It also built motion sensing into its PlayStation 3 controller. Both, however, have had limited applications in games.

Nintendo, meanwhile, has soared to the top of the video game world with its Wii system, which has sold more than 50 million units since hitting the market in 2006. The Xbox 360 has sold about 28 million units as of January while the PlayStation 3 has moved 23.7 million units.

Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo all declined to comment for this story. Analysts said the wouldn't be surprised to see Microsoft and Sony try to replicate the success Nintendo has had with the Wii.

"I'm astounded that Sony or Microsoft hasn't done it already. For them to compete with the Wii, they should have brought out a motion sensitive controller a while ago," said Van Baker, an analyst at Gartner, a research firm.

Michael Pachter, an analyst with Wedbush Morgan Securities, said he is scheduled to meet with Microsoft executives next week for a briefing on an announcement that he believes will be about a motion-sensing camera.

He said he doesn't expect a peripheral this late in the game to supplant the Wii. But it will help the Xbox 360 shed its image as a machine for hard-core gamers and allow it to attract new and casual players.

"I think Microsoft is envious of the Wii and its casual family appeal, and they are a little frustrated they are branded as a hard-core company," Pachter said. "They want to be like Sony was with the PS2, with casual and hard-core appeal. They've been struggling to do it but I think this would be a positive step in that direction."

The tougher question is what kind of software will there be for any new motion-based controller. For either to work, they'll need enticing games to sell the new control schemes. It would have to be something similar to Wii Sports or Wii Fit, two titles that catalyzed sales of the Wii and the Wii Balance Board accessory, said Pachter.

Nintendo isn't standing still. The company is introducing the Wii Motion Plus, a $20 plug-in accessory that makes the Wii Remote more accurate. Games that utilize the Wii Motion, including Wii Sports Resort, Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10 and Grand Slam Tennis, will start appearing next month.

Take a Break and Watch This: X-Men Origins: Wolverine Spoof

This is freakin' hilarious. *WARNING* There may be some spoilers if you haven't seen the movie yet.

Avatar The Last Airbender Movie Trailer to Debut with Transformers: RotF

'nuff said.

"Human Target" Comic coming to TV

via comicbookmovie

Fox has given early series orders to the comicbook drama "Human Target." The network wouldn't officially confirm the pickups, as execs want to hold off until Monday's upfront before making any series announcements. But insiders confirmed the orders Tuesday afternoon of "Human Target" and "Sons of Tucson."

The shows join animated "Family Guy" spinoff "Cleveland" and music-themed drama "Glee" -- which gets an early premiere on the net this month -- as Fox's new fall shows picked up so far.

"Human Target," from Warner Bros. TV, Wonderland and DC Comics, revolves around a man who assumes the identity of people in danger. Jon Steinberg wrote the pilot and will exec produce with Brad Kern, Peter Johnson and McG. Mark Valley, Chi McBride and Jackie Earle Haley star.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Get a Brand New Dreamcast 10 years after it's Release

ThinkGeek via Kotaku

Sure, the Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 are great consoles. They have awesome games, killer graphics and robust online networks. But are they the best consoles ever? Gaming superfans would say no. Because they love the Dreamcast.

And while before you had to scour eBay for old, used Dreamcasts to get your Jet Set Radio and Crazy Taxi fixes, ThinkGeek is now offering brand-new, in-box Dreamcasts for a mere $99. This is unbelievable. So whether or not you're a diehard with a crusty old Dreamcast or a fanboy wannabe looking to see what the fuss is about, now's your time to get a brand new Dreamcast for less than a hundy. Oh man.

FC Mobile II lets you take 8-bit NES games on the go!

eBay via Technabob

Despite all of the graphical enhancements game consoles have made over the past couple decades, it's still tough to compete with the original NES. It offered up some of the greatest games ever made, and those never get old. If you still want to play them now, the FC Mobile II looks like a pretty amazing way to go.

The FC Mobile II is a portable NES. It takes old Nintendo cartridges, and you can use it as a handheld. But it also comes with two wireless controllers and a wireless light gun, allowing you to use it on the couch as well. How awesome is that? I want one right now.

New iPhone to get More Memory, Faster Processor?

***This is a mock-up of what the iPhone 2 may look like***

Mac Rumors via Gizmodo

With the announcement of a new iPhone model seemingly imminent with Apple's WWDC event scheduled for next month, more and more supposed leaks are coming out from various sources about it. Today's rumor is that we're looking for a pretty serious speed and memory bump.

According to this screenshot, there's a model coming that will have 32GB of storage, double the RAM to 256MB and a processor bumped from 400MHz to 600MHz. In addition, the rumors say that the camera will be upgraded to 3.2MP with autofocus as well as a digital compass and FM radio. It sounds interesting, but we'll have to wait a few weeks to find out what's real and what isn't.

Good Overview Video of PAX '08

This is the best video I found that really shows what the expo is all about. If you only watch 1 video watch this one (well... this ONE is separated into 2 parts).

PAX 2008 (Part I) [First Half]

PAX 2008 (Part I) [Second Half]

Random PAX '08 Video

This is another video from PAX '08 showing some random stuff. As I was watching it, I noticed that it didn't seem really impressive because all of the booths and videogames they show, I have already seen. But what you need to remember is that these people were seeing this stuff 3-5 months before they were even released. Some stuff like Starcraft 2 and Velvet Assassin still haven't been released. I know it seems common sense, but it's something to remind yourself about.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Good Video from PAX '08

This video is pretty good. Good in the sense that it gives the viewer good idea of what PAX is like. The first few minutes shows the guys driving to the convention hall so you can skip that part, but the rest of it shows the computers lined up for the LAN party and the videogame booths and such.

Registration Line at PAX '08

This video shows what happens if you DON'T pre-register for PAX '09.

VideoGame News Crew at PAX '08

VideoGame Jam Party Outside PAX '09

Too funny. This doesn't get old. I can't wait to meet people like this.

*Nerd Alert* at Pre-PAX Dinner

Wow, these are the kind of guys we will be "hanging out" with at PAX '09. These guys are like the king of nerds. Hope we can still have some fun.

Modern Warfare 2 Trailer dissected

The Modern Warfare 2 trailer was released recently and showed some gameplay footage of the highly anticipated game. Well, this video is the trailer but in slow motion. Also they analyze every scene about possible weapons and/or abilities, perks, etc that will possibly be found in the final game. Check it out.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

YouTube Video: Night Run II

I don't know why, but this is an interesting video. The explanation the author gives is:

A time lapse video made by setting a camera to take photos at six second intervals during a trip outbound on the Houston Ship Channel. I used Quicktime to assemble over 2000 individual photos into a 3 minute movie representing an actual time of over 3 1/2 hours. The ship was only moving at 5-6 knots for the first half of the trip and up to 10 knots in the open areas away from the docks. The journey begins just below the Port of Houston turning basin at the end of the channel and continues down to Morgan's Point at the head of Galveston Bay. We still had 32 miles to go to get out to the pilot station in the Gulf of Mexico at that point. The ship is a Panamax tanker 600 feet long by 106 feet wide.

My photos of the Houston Ship Channel (and other subjects) can be found at

X-Men Origins: Deadpool in the Works

courtesy of By Borys Kit

Fresh off the muscular performance of "X-Men Origins: Wolverine" at the boxoffice, Fox has thrown into development a spinoff featuring Deadpool, the wise-cracking mercenary played in the film by Ryan Reynolds.

Reynolds is attached to reprise the character for what for now is simply being called "Deadpool." Lauren Shuler Donner and Marvel Studios would act as producers.

Deadpool is known as "the merc with a mouth," a character that under Reynolds lived up to his billing in "Wolverine" until the end, when the movie deviated from the comic book persona, imbuing him with several superpowers and sewing his mouth shut.

It is understood that Reynolds would regain the ability to mouth off, with the movie going back to the roots of the character known for his slapstick tone and propensity to break the fourth wall. The character also was disfigured in "Wolverine," though it's unclear at this time how much the studio would want to mess with Reynolds' handsome mug.

The project is out to writers.

Fox considered a "Deadpool" spinoff early in "Wolverine's" development process, which is why it cast Reynolds. The actor was brought back in the month before the movie's release to shoot one of two "Easter egg" scenes that appeared after the end credits. The scene showed Deadpool alive, though when last audiences saw him, he appeared to be dead.

UTA-repped Reynolds next stars opposite Sandra Bullock in Disney's romantic comedy "The Proposal."

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Hurry and Sign Up for the Zombie Attack Preparedness Team (Z.A.P.T.) Before It's Too Late

I watch a show on G4 called G4 Underground. The show covers unusual topics that other "big" networks won't cover such as Urban Spelunking (spelunking in abandoned buildings), Salvia Divinorum (a legal psychedelic drug similar to LSD), and L.A.R.P.A. (Live Action RolePlaying Association). It's a good show and I look forward to it when it's on.

Well, today I was watching the latest one and there is a group of people who call themselves Z.A.P.T. As mentioned above, it stands for Zombie Attack Preparedness Team. These people frequently run drills to prepare themselves for the Zombie Apocalypse. Yeah, they don't just say jokes about it like us. They really think there will one day be a Zombie Apocalypse and they are prepared. The show has footage of them (men and women) scrambling to gather supplies and weapons (semi-automatic rifles and shotguns) along with their 3 year old baby strapped to their back. As they are speeding off to the "Alpha Location" they get an emergency call from the leader of Z.A.P.T. saying there is an urgent need to change the destination to "Bravo Location" because Alpha Location is compromised. This is just one example of a drill the Z.A.P.T. runs routinely to prepare themselves for the unexpected.

Weird. That's all I'm going to say. Oh... one more thing. These people are from and live in Lafayette, Louisiana. Yeah... not kidding. But a part of me isn't really surprised either. Below is a clip from the show that I found on YouTube. I tried to recognize the people but couldn't. Maybe you guys will have better luck.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Battlefield 1943

This game is scheduled to be released June 2009. It looks very good with destructible terrain and online mode that supports 24 players. Will be available for download on Xbox Live Marketplace and PlayStation Store (later on Windows). Check out the gameplay video below.