Monday, June 8, 2009

iPhone 3G S is announced!

The Worldwide Developer's Conference (WWDC) began today and everyone was expecting Apple to announce the release of it's next iteration of the iPhone. Well, everyone was right. Earlier today Apple announced the iPhone 3G S. It is basically an iPhone 3G but with a faster CPU (2x faster), a camera that can take video, and a magnetometer (compass) among some of it's features.

This is really bad news for Palm. Palm released their Palm Pre aka "iPhone Killer" on June 6. And it looks like Apple responded with just enough in order to quell the Palm Pre hype. Only time will tell who reigns supreme. In the meantime, I'm just going to sit back and watch.

New Prices for iPhones

iPhone 3G 8GB

iPhone 3G S 16GB

iPhone 3G S 32GB

New iPhone 3G S features compared to (iPhone 3G):

*3.0 megapixel camera (2.0 megapixel camera)
*2x faster processor
*Voice Control (Not Available on 3G)
*Compass (Not Available on 3G)
*Cut, Copy, and Paste (Not Available on 3G)
*MMS support aka sending pictures and video in text messages (Not Available on 3G)
*Internet Tethering (Not Available on 3G)

The Bottom Line... there isn't really "update" Apple is offering to write home about. All the stuff announced for the iPhone 3G S is slight upgrades of current features (3MP cam), or practically useless features (compass), or features that should already be available on the damn phone already (cut & paste, anyone?). It will be interesting how the iPhone/Palm Pre War pans out. Personally, I like the Palm Pre. Palm Pre's multi-tasking should prove to be superior over iPhone's inability to do so But the consumers are always the determining factor, and the Palm Pre has a very long way to go.

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