Thursday, June 4, 2009

E3 Preview: PS3 Exclusive M.A.G.(Massive Action Game)

I almost forgot to mention this game from E3. M.A.G. is a PS3 exclusive. It's name stands for Massive Action Game and instead of supporting a typical 16 player game (ala Halo 3), it will support 256 players. That is not a typo. There will be 256 players (128 per team) fighting for one objective. Surprisingly it looks very good and at E3 the creators of the game showcased some of the features of the game. *video below*

M.A.G. E3 '09 Gameplay Footage


1 comment:

  1. Too tactical for Gordon. He may not like it. Kind of reminds me of Quake. I think this is a must have for all of us.
