Monday, June 15, 2009

Scribblenauts is the Best Game of E3?

My friends and I don't play many handheld games, so even though Scribblenauts looks original and fun I didn't feel it was worth mentioning. BUT, considering some of the big dogs of the video game world (GameSpot, IGN, and GameSpy) have unanimously chosen this small, portable GameBoy DS game as the Best of E3 (!?!?), I guess I might as well write something about it.

It appears to be a typical side-scrolling game (ala Super Mario Bros.) which some neat twists thrown in. As stated by Wikipedia:

"Scribblenauts is an exclusively side-scrolling game controlled entirely with the Nintendo DS stylus. The player controls a character called Maxwell, who must collect objects called "Starites". Maxwell is guided by tapping the touchscreen, or if the player taps an object, Maxwell will pick it up."

The most amusing feature of the game is the ability to "summon" a vast array of objects to use. For instance, if a player sees a gap in the terrain ahead, he can type in "bridge" and a bridge appears that allows the player to place it over the gap and cross safely. You may assume that the number of objects is limited, but that was the appeal and attraction of the game at E3. People were constantly trying to find words that the game would not recognize, but were amazed at the extensive vocabulary packed into this little handheld game. *video below*

Not impressed? Well, the guys who called this the "Best of E3" have a pretty good track record. Here is a list of their previously announced "Best of E3".

IGN Best of E3 Winners
2009: Scribblenauts
2008: Fallout 3
2007: Fallout 3
2006: BioShock
2005: Spore
2004: Halo 2
2003: Half-Life 2
2002: Metroid Prime
2001: Star Wars Galaxies
2000: Metal Gear Solid 2

Gamespot Best of E3 Winners
2009: Scribblenauts
2008: Fable II
2007: Little Big Planet
2006: BioShock
2005: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
2004: Splinter Cell 3

Gamespy Best of E3 Winners
2009: Scribblenauts
2008: Spore
2007: BioShock
2006: BioShock
2005: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
2004: Half-Life 2

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