Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Gen Con Babes

Thought I would post some pictures of the Gen Con "babes" we can hope to meet at Gen Con '09. :) Although all of these pics are of the hottie's that frequent Gen Con from year to year, the group pictures near the top are pictures of a group of girl gamers that (from what I gather) go to Gen Con every year. The second set of pictures are just random pics of Gen Con girls.

A Girl Gamer Group 'The Gamer Wenches'

Miscellaneous Gen Con Babes


  1. Sure as hell isn't Dragon Con

  2. I would rather stick my cock in Bantha fodder!

    WTF, you can't even add a hyperlink to your comments. DUDE YOUR FUCKING BLOG SUCKS!!!!!!! This is my last post. I will just talk to you guys via gmail.

  3. I hope you are sitting next to the wretch in blue on the third picture above on that stupid airplane and I hope she is on the rag and stinks like rotten tuna fish and cottage cheese, esp if the air conditioning isn't working and you are sitting on the runway for an hour. You guys suck!!!I hope your flight is delayed for 3 hours!
