Thursday, August 20, 2009

GenCon 2009

GenCon 2009 was fantastic. For the first time in my life, I felt "gamed-out". Meaning that by the last day, I didn't even feel like playing games anymore. We had a great time (for the most part). Can't wait to go back next year. This is what a convention is suppose to be like. The 2 previous one's I attended (Babel Con, Mecha-Con) were a joke compared to GenCon. GenCon is everything that it's hyped up to be and more. Here are some various pics I took while there. I took them with my cell phone, so the quality is not that great, but you can still see all the great gaming goodness that was offered.

Crystal D&D Dice

Mario Kart Wii

Vender with a Ton of Conan Merchandise

WWII Mini's

Mini Terrain for Dungeons

Real Forged Swords

Panel on 'How to Write a Trilogy'

Various games from a small game publisher
'A Game of Thrones' LCG

GenCon 2009 Auction

CCG Hall

Miniature playing field

Giant 'Settler's of Catan' Board

Giant 'Serra Angel' Statue

Playing a game of 'Family Business'

Some weird Scarecrow Man

Playing a game of 'Alhambra'

Trying to learn 'Caledea'

Me kicking ace in 'Caledea' (we found out later we were playing wrong)

Cos play people (Link, Solid Snake, Princess Zelda, Luigi, and Mario)

Panel on 'How to Publish Your Game'

Mini-Me Darth Vader

Playing a demo of 'Agricola'

Star Wars Costume People

Guy at Masquerade Ball with cool mask

Captain Jack Sparrow

Gettin' wasted at GenCon Dance

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