Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Drug Bust turns into Wii Sports Marathon

This is hilarious, but makes you wonder - WTF is wrong with these guys...?!?! *video below*

The excuse that they give... "They made a mistake."

Well, I guess that guy who got busted for drugs made a mistake too... so he's cleared as well. Right?


  1. I don't see what the big deal is. This is not a mistake. They were taking a break and celebrating after busting some POS drug dealer. Everyone love we and this was like of a debriefing meeting. I hope the bottom-feeder doesn't get off or anything, because you know what? I would rather them spend 4K worth of tax payers money to get a scumb bag drug dealer off the streets. Cops can work non-stop same as nurses. Oh look, they are playing on the internet or talking on the phone while they are at work. The patient is friggen alsleep!!! WTH! If this dudes drugs would be pushed on my daughters or friends and something bad happen to them, I would "Robocop" that dude against a wall.

  2. Man, I have all kind of typos in that response. I'm going eat, study and sleep...
