Monday, September 14, 2009

Stormtroopers' 9/11 (Take a Break and Watch This)

For all of you douche-bags who say it's "too soon" go eff yourself. This is freakin hilarious. (FYI) They are talking about the first Death Star.

Memorable Quotes

- "Forgot to set my alarm, got caught in space traffic..."

- "It's just so eerie... and you look at that part of the galaxy where the Death Star used to be and just... nothing."

- "Look - if you don't rebuild, the Jedi's win."

- "Jedi's... I'll tell you something. They hate our way of life."

- "We can't find Luke Skywalker... one guy! one guy! Hiding out in a cave somewhere in Dagobah"

- "Darth Vader happens to be in a T.I.E. fighter when the whole thing goes down? please."

- "You're drones - especially the drones."

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