Thursday, September 10, 2009

PAX 09 Videos

Here are a few videos from PAX 09. The sound and video quality kind of suck, because they were taken with my cell phone, so don't complain... I warned you.

*videos below*

first video is a video I took while we were waiting in line on Day 1 of PAX. The doors to the Exhibition Hall don't 'technically' open till 10a, but that doesn't stop people from showing up early and waiting in line (including us).

second video is a video of a girl riding the mechanized bull in the Darksiders' Booth. It's pretty cool that they had something like a mechanized bull there for attendees to bust their ass on.

third video is a short video of the concert from Friday night where they play videogame music (there was another one Saturday night... but there was no way I was going to waste my time doing that shit again!!!) Also, I'm gonna say it again... my phone camera sux. So the quality of video and sound is pretty crappy, but you can get the idea of how many people were there and what it looked like.

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