Thursday, October 22, 2009

Tom Green Show Pranked (Take a Break and Watch This)

I haven't laughed this hard since I posted the other pranks done by those guys from, but these videos are hilarious. Again, I was laughing so hard I was crying. It appears that Tom Green has an internet show and since he doesn't screen his calls, people call in and say the rudest comments because they know that it will piss him off. You can read more about it here. At first, the videos seem kind of long, but they are so worth it. *videos below*

Tom Green Pranked #1

Tom Green Pranked #2

Tom Green Pranked #3

Tom Green Pranked #4

Tom Green Pranked #5

Tom Green Pranked #6

Tom Green Pranked #7

Tom Green Finally Loses It and Goes Crazy!

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