Thursday, June 17, 2010

Woman gets iPwned!

With everyone talking about the new iPhone selling like crazy, I thought it would be appropriate to revisit an old video. When the first iPhone was released (2G BABY!!!), there was a high demand for them. Therefore AT&T put a one-iPhone-per-customer-policy in effect to prevent people from buying a lot of them and then selling them on ebay (you know who you are). This lady obvious didn't get the memo.


  1. Yeah - I saw is an aggravating video. I am not sure if it is the combination of her nasal voice, the fact that she is a fraggin idiot, the attention whore look at me persona or the fact that she pays for a spot - passing up everyone else in line...I am sure it was all though.

  2., I think I just figured it out. It was the douche-bag from 'Sidekicks' smartass comments and goofy facial expressions that made me want to throw my computer against the wall. Looking back on it, I think Apple set this up to get publicity because they knew someone would run a story on it. It just seems too "Hollywood commercial" if you ask me...and convenient for the news crew.
