Thursday, September 16, 2010

Hymen Reconstruction Surgery: The Price of Virginity?

While there are no actual statistics detailing how often hymen reconstructive surgery is performed in China, it is known that sexually active Chinese women are opting more and more for this type of procedure in response to conservative pressure from new husbands.

bed Hymen Reconstruction Surgery: The Price of Virginity? picture

Hymen reconstruction surgery is not particular to China. In Muslin countries, where societal pressure for virgin brides is at a premium, the practice is also very popular.

It might surprise some readers to know that this surgery is also available in the United States and that The Manhattan Center for Vaginal Surgery charges $5,900 for the procedure!

vagina repair Hymen Reconstruction Surgery: The Price of Virginity? picture

Although it is the women who are seeking the surgery, they are doing so because they feel driven by conservative new mates to do so.

“I really care about virginity. If you go to buy a cell phone, of course you’d want to buy a new cell phone. Who would spend the same amount of money to buy an old cell phone that’s been used for two years?” asks Xia Yang, product manager for a technology company.

Has Mr. Yang considered that a woman is not a cell phone? Perhaps not, but the point is that his chauvinistic and unreasonable comment is indicative of a trend in China, and he is not alone where he stands (even though he should be).

In China, the cost of the surgery is about $737 US and the surgery takes about 30 minutes.

Some Chinese women seek a cheaper way to achieve sort of the same results. “A cheaper, faster path to ‘revirgination’ is available in most sex novelty shops: a Chinese-made artificial hymen that purports to create a physical sensation for the man and emit fake blood when ruptured,” claims the Washington Post.

Hymens can separate for other reasons. Strenuous activities, sports, inserting a tampon and a host of other things that have nothing to do with sexual activity can rupture the delicate mucous membrane.

One question remains:

If you change what you call something, do you change what it is?

What do YOU think about this?


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