Monday, August 31, 2009

William Shatner Flips Off Conan

I was surprised at how funny this was.

Hey Guys... What the Hell is that?

Best Buy is having a Great Sale on Xbox Games, PS3 Next Week

courtesy of Ben Kuchera of

In the mood to spend some money? Best Buy is running a rather insane deal, where you get 50 percent off certain Xbox 360 titles by purchasing the first game at the full price, and the list of games that qualify for the deal is rather stunning. Some of the titles aren't even out yet, so if you were planning on picking up both Halo 3: ODST and Modern Warfare 2, you can save $30 on the deal by getting them together through Best Buy.

A partial list of games and prices is included after the jump, and I'm guessing you'll be able to find at least two games you've been meaning to pick up.

$60 Games:
  • Halo 3: ODST (pre-order) $60
  • Fallout 3 $60
  • Resident Evil 5 $60
  • Madden NFL 10 $60
  • Batman: Arkham Asylum $60
  • Call Of Duty: World at War $60
  • Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2 (pre-order) $60
  • UFC 2009 Undisputed $60
  • Many More
$40 Games
  • Halo 3 $40
  • Fable II $40
  • Halo Wars $40
  • Gears Of War 2 $40
  • Grand Theft Auto IV $40
  • Many More
$30 Games
  • Far Cry 2 $30
  • Bioshock $30
  • Dead Space $30
  • Tom Clancy's EndWar $30
  • Star Wars: The Force Unleashed $30
  • Many More
$20 Games
  • Madden NFL 2008 $20
  • The Orange Box $20
  • Mirror's Edge $20
  • Battlefield: Bad Company $20
  • Tony Hawk's Proving Ground $20
  • Mercenaries 2: World in Flames $20
  • Many More

Sunday, August 30, 2009

'Halo 3: ODST' will give Halo 3 Players 3 New Multiplayer Maps

Wondering what the new Halo 3 maps that come with Halo 3: ODST would be like. Well, wonder no more. Lars Bakken Senior Designer at Bungie Studios talks to about what the new Halo 3 maps will offer players. *video below*

Don't forget
... buying Halo: ODST automatically get you an invite into the beta of Halo: Reach!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Sunday, August 23, 2009

'Final Fantasy XIV Online' Pics

I'm not going to be surprised if FF XIV Online fails just like every MMO that tries to "take on" W.O.W., but these new pics of the upcoming game are truly breathtaking. They are insane. I don't ever remember seeing graphics this good ever... much less in a MMO. (Not counting FF movie or upcoming 'Avatar' of course) *pics below*

'Shadow Complex' X-Play Review

I know this announcement's late fella's, but my Xbox 360 still has the RRoD so I missed this game when it came out on Tuesday, August 19. 2009. (Working on getting 360 fixed right now) Anyways, 'Shadow Complex' is a Xbox Live Arcade game that I have been anticipating since it was announced at E3 2009. It has all the gameplay that made classics such as Metroid and Castlevania: Symphony of the Night so great, while at the same time it has all the updated graphics that the current generation of consoles can provide. I have a feeling this will be one of the most enjoyable games of 2009. X-Play even gave it a 5/5 which is an extremely rare score from them! *video below*

Sea Mail from 1901 Compared to 2009

Saturday, August 22, 2009

'Batman: Arkham Asylum' Game of the Year?

Batman: Arkham Asylum is scheduled to come out Tuesday, August 25, 2009, and some early reviews are already proclaiming it to be 2009's Game of the Year (GotY)! Strong words for a title that has for the most part flown under the radar this year.

I've already mentioned the game in a previous post, but personally I think this GotY distinction is a bit premature considering so many strong titles coming out later in the year (Halo: ODST, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, etc), but I'm not saying that the game won't be good. I'm sure it's a Batman title that we've been waiting for since the old, great 8-bit NES Sunsoft Batman from many years ago.

World of Warcraft: Cataclysm

A new expansion for W.O.W. called Cataclysm. All the details are in the video below.


Friday, August 21, 2009

Out with the Old, In with the New

Old 'Wrath of God'

New 'Wrath of God'

Zendikar is the next expansion set coming out for Magic: The Gathering. Some cards have been leaked and one of them is... interesting to say the least. Some players have said that 'Wrath of God' was too strong with destroying creatures that can regenerate, so maybe this is a "test" to see if this 'Wrath of God' is more fair and not as BRROOOOOOOKE as the original. Guess we'll find out.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

GenCon 2009

GenCon 2009 was fantastic. For the first time in my life, I felt "gamed-out". Meaning that by the last day, I didn't even feel like playing games anymore. We had a great time (for the most part). Can't wait to go back next year. This is what a convention is suppose to be like. The 2 previous one's I attended (Babel Con, Mecha-Con) were a joke compared to GenCon. GenCon is everything that it's hyped up to be and more. Here are some various pics I took while there. I took them with my cell phone, so the quality is not that great, but you can still see all the great gaming goodness that was offered.

Crystal D&D Dice

Mario Kart Wii

Vender with a Ton of Conan Merchandise

WWII Mini's

Mini Terrain for Dungeons

Real Forged Swords

Panel on 'How to Write a Trilogy'

Various games from a small game publisher
'A Game of Thrones' LCG

GenCon 2009 Auction

CCG Hall

Miniature playing field

Giant 'Settler's of Catan' Board

Giant 'Serra Angel' Statue

Playing a game of 'Family Business'

Some weird Scarecrow Man

Playing a game of 'Alhambra'

Trying to learn 'Caledea'

Me kicking ace in 'Caledea' (we found out later we were playing wrong)

Cos play people (Link, Solid Snake, Princess Zelda, Luigi, and Mario)

Panel on 'How to Publish Your Game'

Mini-Me Darth Vader

Playing a demo of 'Agricola'

Star Wars Costume People

Guy at Masquerade Ball with cool mask

Captain Jack Sparrow

Gettin' wasted at GenCon Dance

Mecha-Con 2009 (2 pics)

Mecha-Con 2009 (held in Lafayette, LA on July 24 - 26) is the 2nd convention I've ever been to in my life and it too sucked. (See my previous post of Babel Con 2009) I'm sure it was pretty cool for anime fans, but the B.O. was absolutely freakin atrocious. I couldn't believe how bad it smelled and that was with humidifier's every 5 feet along the walls. I was telling my friends that Gen Con better not smell like this (and thankfully it didn't). Could only take 2 pics and had to get the eff out of that place. One of the pics is of a guy playing Super Mario Bros theme and other various videogame songs and the other pic is just some costume people.

Afro Samurai

Left 4 Dead (sort of)