Tuesday, September 29, 2009

BioWare taking Star Wars MMOG beta apps

courtesy of Gamespot.com

BioWare caught some flack from a number of diehard Knights of the Old Republic players when it announced that its next installment in the franchise, Star Wars: The Old Republic, would be a massively multiplayer online role-playing game. To assuage complaints, though, BioWare has said on multiple occasions that SW:TOR would be tantamount to 10 or more sequels to its hit action RPG.

With all of that content, SW:TOR is going to need a healthy pool of testers to work out any number of unforeseen bugs in the code. As a result, BioWare said today that it has begun accepting applications to participate in the game's closed beta testing phase through the game's official Web site. (As of press time, the SW:TOR Web site is unavailable due to heavy traffic.) The EA-owned studio did not indicate when the beta phase would begin, saying only that it would be "an ongoing process."

SW:TOR takes place approximately 300 years after the events of the original game, but some 3,600 years before the events of LucasArts' quintessential films. Players can choose to align themselves with either side of the Force, taking on professions like the Sith Warrior and Bounty Hunter for the Dark Side and the Trooper and Smuggler for the Galactic Republic.

BioWare has yet to place a firm release date on Star Wars: The Old Republic. For more information, check out GameSpot's extensive previous coverage.

Akira Live-Action Movie Still in the Works!

courtesy of io9.com

Forget what you've previously heard: The live-action movie version of Akira is still happening and, if nothing else, it's probably going to have a great script.

Collider is reporting that the silence surrounding the movie has been the result of waiting for Children of Men and Iron Man screenwriters Mark Fergus and Hawk Ostby to complete the script, and that the project is still considered a "high priority" with a potential 2011 release date if the script is approved. Here's hoping that rumored star Joseph Gordon-Levitt won't be too busy with GI Joe sequels.

Poor Greedo

How To Be The Perfect VideoGame Villian

VideoGame facebook

Monday, September 28, 2009

Hitler's Xbox Live BAN!

This is hilarious. I believe that it's old, because they speak of Crackdown and the Halo 3 beta like they are new, but it's funny nonetheless. They also make fun of the PS3. *video below*

You Can Always Trust Your Best Friend, Right?

Mario Mural made out of Cases of Soft Drinks

The True Face of AT&T


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

'I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell' Trailer

This movie 'I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell' looks like it will be funny. The beginning of this video shows a clip from the movie and then they interview the guy who wrote the screenplay. He is just a regular 20 something year old guy who started writing a blog about himself and his friends going out, picking up girls, and getting drunk. (This is his best story if you're interested.) He ended up writing a book and now has made a movie about it. Wonder why none of us thought of doing that? Anyway, it looks like it's going to be a classic. *video below*

Drug Bust turns into Wii Sports Marathon

This is hilarious, but makes you wonder - WTF is wrong with these guys...?!?! *video below*

The excuse that they give... "They made a mistake."

Well, I guess that guy who got busted for drugs made a mistake too... so he's cleared as well. Right?

Funny Kanye West Pic

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

What kind of Bow is that?

If VideoGames were Realistic




























Smashing Pumpkins giving next Album away for Free

via smashingpumpkins.com

(From SmashingPumpkins.com - and I believe written by Billy Corgan)

I'm happy to finally announce the plans for the new Smashing Pumpkins album.

Recording began yesterday, September 15th, 2009 on the new record which will be entitled 'Teargarden by Kaleidyscope'. The album will feature 44 songs, 4 of which are now being recorded. My desire is to release a song at a time beginning around Halloween of this year, with each new release coming shortly after until all 44 are out. Each song will be made available absolutely for free, to anyone anywhere. There will be no strings attached. Free will mean free, which means you won't have to sign up for anything, give an email address, or jump through a hoop. You will be able to go and take the song or songs as you wish, as many times as you wish.

We will however sell highly limited edition EP's (of 4 songs each times 11), and details of how those EP's will be made available are still being worked out. Because the songs themselves will be free, the EP's will be more like collectors items for the discerning fan who will want the art itself, along with the highest possible audio quality available. The EP's will be more like mini-box sets rather than your normal cd single. We may also offer other variations for sale, say for example a digital single with a demo version of a song. The commitment that is most important is the one I'm making to you: that the music of 'Teargarden by Kaleidyscope' will be available for free to everyone. All 44 songs: free for ALL.

When the entire album is finished, it will be compiled into a deluxe box set which will also be made available for sale. Those who have bought the EP's need not worry, as the box set will not be a recompilation of the limited edition pieces.

The story of the album is based on 'The Fool's Journey', as signified in the progress of the Tarot. It is my intention to approach this by breaking down the journey of our life here into four phases as made by these different characters; the Child, the Fool, the Skeptic, and the Mystic.

The music of 'Teargarden by Kaleidyscope' harkens back to the original psychedelic roots of The Smashing Pumpkins: atmospheric, melodic, heavy, and pretty.

I already have 53 songs written for the record, so I am quite confident that I already have much of the material that I would need to undertake such an extensive project. I am very committed to seeing this album through to its completion and very, very excited about the prospect of delivering new Smashing Pumpkins music to you in a unique and exciting way.

Evolution of Videogame Controllers

PAX '09 BioShock 2 Mural

Monday, September 14, 2009

Stormtroopers' 9/11 (Take a Break and Watch This)

For all of you douche-bags who say it's "too soon" go eff yourself. This is freakin hilarious. (FYI) They are talking about the first Death Star.

Memorable Quotes

- "Forgot to set my alarm, got caught in space traffic..."

- "It's just so eerie... and you look at that part of the galaxy where the Death Star used to be and just... nothing."

- "Look - if you don't rebuild, the Jedi's win."

- "Jedi's... I'll tell you something. They hate our way of life."

- "We can't find Luke Skywalker... one guy! one guy! Hiding out in a cave somewhere in Dagobah"

- "Darth Vader happens to be in a T.I.E. fighter when the whole thing goes down? please."

- "You're drones - especially the drones."

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Cool iPhone game

This is the iPhone game that N8 should've brought to PAX 09 for us to play. It looks simple and fun. It's called 'LightBike'.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

PAX 09 Videos

Here are a few videos from PAX 09. The sound and video quality kind of suck, because they were taken with my cell phone, so don't complain... I warned you.

*videos below*

first video is a video I took while we were waiting in line on Day 1 of PAX. The doors to the Exhibition Hall don't 'technically' open till 10a, but that doesn't stop people from showing up early and waiting in line (including us).

second video is a video of a girl riding the mechanized bull in the Darksiders' Booth. It's pretty cool that they had something like a mechanized bull there for attendees to bust their ass on.

third video is a short video of the concert from Friday night where they play videogame music (there was another one Saturday night... but there was no way I was going to waste my time doing that shit again!!!) Also, I'm gonna say it again... my phone camera sux. So the quality of video and sound is pretty crappy, but you can get the idea of how many people were there and what it looked like.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

PAX 09 (Part 3)

(continued from Part 1 and Part 2) PAX 09 was so amazing... it truly was the best gaming experience I've ever had despite the fact that I believe I got sick there. It still didn't damper my experience though. It is so much better than Gen Con IMO. Well, here are the rest of the PAX pics from Day 2 and Day 3. *Pics Below*

'Munchkin' Mascot

Moose & N8 playing 'Borderlands'

The 'Tru Blood' HBO show now has an energy drink. Yes. I'm serious. I'm not kidding. But there was a joke going around that the formula got mixed up with a proposed 'Lord of the Rings' energy drink and instead of turning you into a vampire, it turns you into a hobbit.

Maybe they was some truth to that rumor?!?!

'Star Wars The Old Republic' MMO character

Candid shot of Adam Sessler of 'Xplay'


Zombie Nurses

'Monsterpocalypse' booth (again)

'Left 4 dead 2' booth. Line too long. Couldn't justify waiting in line for that long when I could be waiting in line to play StarCraft II again (and I would play it on normal mode, of course. Not on easy... as seen here.)

'City of Heroes' Hottie

Some booths had great aesthetics

'Team Fortress 2' characters playing 'The Beatles: Rock Band'

4-player 'Super Mario Bros' for Wii

N8 playing 'Split Second'

Warhammer Online Booth *crickets chirping*

Cosplay Elf Chick

'Dragon Age: Origins' booth

Star Wars Stormtrooper

Cosplay Epic Fail

"Please feed me a sandwich"

Fantastic Custom-made Boardgame table = $2500 = Go eff yourself

'Bayonetta' Hottie Posing

'Bayonetta' about to blow Moose... away

Dice, Dice everywhere and so many games to play

Power Glove Version 2.0

Darksiders' booth let you ride a mechanized bull. Video HERE

Moose and his giant sword

Cool W.O.W. Poster

Girl who looks like a guy dressed like a girl

Moose playing 'Duck Hunt'

People playing Old Skool 10-player 'Bomberman'

Guys playing NES Contra

Cammy from Street Fighter series

"In the near future, I shall show you happiness only so I can take it away because I hate mooseses." - Platinum Angel

Practicing for 'Settler's of Catan' Tournament in Hotel Room

Yes... that is videogame toilet paper

Moose playing in the Finals!

Fuck you Platinum Angel... Moose got 1st loser!!! YES!!!

Me raping Moose and N8 during a game of 'Domaine'

Leaving PAX is so sad. Truly an occasion for mourning.

Don't forget to check out PAX 09 Part 1 and Part 2!