Monday, March 23, 2009

Additional Fee required to play Resident Evil 5 Versus mode

In a move that can only be considered ludicrous, Capcom is making its customers PAY for a multiplayer "versus" mode in it's new release Resident Evil 5. I've personally never heard of a game company charging a fee for a feature that most people consider standard on current generation games, but I guess Capcom has decided to be a rebel on this one.

Resident Evil 5 is the first in the Resident Evil Series that will allow the campaign to be played co-op, which Capcom deserves praise for, but it is the "deathmatch/survival" versus mode that Capcom thinks is worth an additional $5 on Xbox Live Marketplace or PlayStation Network. The higher-ups at Capcom must have been twisting their mustache a many nights to come up with this one. I had to check the date a couple times to make sure it wasn't April Fool's Day.

The bottom line... is that Capcom is on the wrong track with this one. Unless the game was truely intended for multiplayer, multiplayer modes are put into games for lagniappe (French for 'shits and giggles'). Sure people (I have no idea who) will pay for the versus mode, but is that really what Capcom wants to be known for? Releasing a shell of a game. I know... I know... Resident Evil 5 is great! The graphics are wonderful and the co-op campaign... blah, blah, blah, BUT this is just the first step into the realm of pure evil. Evil in the sense that gaming companies will want to start squeezing every single dime they can out of us videogame fanatics. Some argue they are already doing it. If you bought Resident Evil 5 and are reading this, then DO NOT BUY THIS CRAP!!! It's kind of like banging that great looking girl sporting a fever blister without a condom, you'll regret it in the long run.

It's worthy to note that the Resident Evil franchise was never really intended to compete with Halo 3, Killzone 2, and such. As mentioned before, the versus mode in Resident Evil 5 probably falls into the just-put-some-crappy-mulitplayer-mode-together category, people may not be so disheartened, but could you imagine if you had to pay for Halo 3 multiplayer. I'm not even sure if the single player game is worth $60. All of a sudden, the longevity and value of the game you bought goes way down. Either way, epic fail Capcom... epic fail.

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