Monday, March 30, 2009

China Again!?! Say It Ain't So

The latest information about the Conficker worm is pretty disturbing. People at BKIS, a Vietnamese security firm that makes the BKAV antivirus software, announced today that they found clues that the virus may have originated from China.

This conclusion was based on the firm analyzing the virus' coding. It found that Conficker's code is closely related to that of another virus (the Nimda virus) that is believed to have been made in China.

I spoke about the Conficker worm in a previous post. This news is interesting because originally they were thinking that it may have originated in Europe or Russia and with the Chinese coming under scrutiny for allegedly masterminding a spynet (see previous post) across the globe, it makes you wonder what the hell is going on? Are the Chinese poised to take over the world or do they just want to know everything? I guess, like they say, knowledge is power.

The bottom line... even if the Chinese (government) were behind this, the U.S. wouldn't do anything about it. Worldwide, China has all the money. They are loaning us the money for all these bailouts that Obama is promoting. We (the U.S.) will just politely ask them, "Could you please stop with all this computer stuff. Oh, by the way, may I please have another $1 trillion dollars." We are in no position to make demands. They know they can do whatever they want.

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