Tuesday, March 24, 2009

BREAKING NEWS: iPhone 3.0 update to provide common, run-of-the-mill features!

I don't like the iPhone. There, I've said it. Yes, it's slowly becoming the dominant cell phone and they've done an incredible job marketing it. Also, I believe eventually you will need to own one or be left behind, similar to what Microsoft did to Apple in the 80's and 90's during the OS wars. Interesting how times have changed isn't it? 2 years ago when I first heard the specs for the iPhone, I didn't understand all the hype surrounding it and I still don't.

The interface and touchscreen were (and still is) the best on a cell phone I ever experienced, BUT until less than a year ago, you were limited to the handful of programs that Apple provided and the features of the phone were mediocre at best. You can't even send MMS?, I remember thinking. So many cell phones did so much more. Apple must have sold their soul to the devil and got a killer deal to have the public lauding over such an unremarkable phone.

Well, here we are and Apple is about to release it's next update, iPhone 3.0. The latest major update will add some much needed features such as search, MMS, and wait for it... copy/paste. *GASP* These features may sound futuristic and unbelievable, but trust me, it's official. Apple went all out with this one. What's really annoying are the people (yeah... you Dustin) touting the update like it is chock-full of innovative features that have never been heard of before. It's like some company made you eat their tomato soup for 2 years with chopsticks and then they announce that sometime in the next few months they will give you a spoon. I'm not impressed... I'm pissed off! My friends have been eating their soup with a spoon for years!

The bottom line... sooner or later I will jump on the iPhone bandwagon when all of my favorite Palm OS programs jump ship. But until then, people should remember that although Microsoft is viewed as the evil King who tries to control and over tax his people, Apple is like the insatiable cousin, where if he was in power, would slowly turn the land into Mordor all for some stupid ring.

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