Sunday, March 22, 2009

Halo 3 user created content (Forge)

When Halo 3 came out, a little known feature called forge was available within the game. Forge is a gameplay mode that allows for both playing and designing multiplayer maps within the preset Halo 3 maps. Options include changing and resetting respawn points, weapon spawn points, weapon timers, vehicle spawns and timers, and adding existing geometry to the map’s existing structure in the form of crates, boxes, fusion coils, gravity lifts, telelporters, turrets, etc. Being kind of basic, it wasn't exactly the most popular feature of Halo 3. I personally viewed it more as a gimmick than an actual feature.

Then the Heroic map pack came out on Dec 11, 2007, and there was a "blank canvas" map type called Foundry that allowed players to basically create levels. Of course, a group of gamers gathered to make the most of the tools that Bungie provided them and some really good maps came out. But... glitches began to leak and the options for map building exponentially increased.

This is the first video in a series of videos that teach how to do some of the forge glitches.

It is possible (with glitches) to have many more options available to map builders. The above picture is from a Lockdown map called "8 emerald legs" that has been forged. Players may marvel at the giant spider above the oil rig, but what is not immediately apparent is that the giant spider is playable. Meaning, you can run on top of, inside of, and around... of... ?!? the spider. It is a display of extraordinary ingenuity. Though not obvious, it IS very playable.

Racing around a halo map is not the first thing that comes to mind when you pop in a Halo 3 disc, but because of forge there are now some interesting race maps created. One of the best is "Quasar". It is fun because not only do you race, but you can also carry a passenger and have then shoot at the other riders. Careful though, they are shooting at you too!

The bottom line... is that despite the primitive tools available in forge, some very crafty, fun-to-play maps can be created. There are many more options available than appear at first glance. And if you are paranoid that Bungie considers this hacking or cracking the game... don't be. They have been on record saying that they love the ingenuity of the forgers out there and that they had no idea it would be as successful as it was. So enjoy.

Forging 101 (Beginner's guide to forging)

Best of Forge Spring/Summer '08
Best of Forge Fall/Winter '08

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