Monday, March 30, 2009

Boardgame Insults

Here is a list of "Top Ten Boardgame Insults" I came across while browing the internet... it's only slightly amusing. Looks like people put up their favorite insults and then someone took the best of the best and made a list. Probably would've been funnier if they used some better games (like the ones we play) instead of the generic Scrabble, Monopoly, Battleship, etc. Anyway, here it is.

Ten Haruhila: "Here's a seven point word for you: FAIL."

Nine dfjkhsdkfjhsd: "I'd challenge you to a game of Connect Four, but you know, first you have to be able to count to four."

Eight Patrick Shearer: "See, this is why I like board games. When I am kicking your ass in one of these, you don't mysteriously disconnect with 'internet problems'."

Seven manbot: "You, with a board game in the living room. Thats the only way you're gonna beat me with Clue."

Six Superman64: "Maybe you should stick to playing Sorry, because that's what you are!"

Five Yellow13: "You're so bad at monopoly I sunk your battleship."

Four Apsup: "Good news, you sank a battleship. Bad news, it was your own."

Three Ettie: "Colonel Mustard. In the ballroom. With your MOTHER."

Two Paul Gonzalez: "Don't Gordon the board douchebag!"

Hyperlite: ˙dıɥsǝןʇʇɐq ɹnoʎ ʞuns ʇsnɾ ʎןqɐqoɹd ǝʌ,ı 'sıɥʇ pɐǝɹ uɐɔ noʎ ɟı"

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