Monday, March 30, 2009

Don't Get Between a Man and His Gaming

Women will slowly come to realize that getting between a man and his gaming may have negative consequences. An incident happened on the Saikyo Line train (a commuter train in Tokyo) where a 50-year-old woman felt the train was too crowded for Jun Ando (a 21-year-old computer programmer) to be playing a game on his cell phone and told him to stop. He proceeded to punch her in the face several times. Ando was restrained by his fellow passengers, who then escorted him off the train at Toda Park station. He was taken to the station office, where he punched the woman in the face again! He has been arrested for assault and the woman's jaw was broken.

The bottom line... I don't condone violence of women and I hate to say this, but she should be minding her own business. I can understand if he was playing the Wii Fit, but come on, a cell phone game? They say you can't teach an old dog new tricks, but I bet she learned her lesson.

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