Sunday, March 29, 2009

Study says Playing Action Games Improves Eyesight

A study has been done by U.S. researchers saying adults who play a lot of action video games may be improving their eyesight. Researchers divided 22 students into 2 groups and had them play videogames. One group played action games like Call of Duty: 3 and Unreal Tournament 2004 while the other played The Sims, a game that does not require a lot of hand eye coordination.

After 50 hours of assigned play time on these games for 9 weeks, the results showed the action game players improved their ability to descern close shades of gray by 43 % while the Sims players showed none.

The bottom line... if someone says you play too many videogames, just tell them that you are not playing videogames, you're doing eye excercises. If they ask you, "Then why do you still wear glasses?". Tell them, "I don't know what you're talking about. Maybe you should play more videogames."

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