Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Breaking News: Skynet is Online!

courtesy of botjunkie

Robot Child is now age 2

Looking to get murdered by a robot this year? Well, there's no other robot out there that looks as capable of committing the cruelest of acts upon its master without any remorse than the CB2 (Child-robot with Biomimetic Body). Just look at those dead, soulless eyes! They harbor some serious evils within, you can tell.

Still not scared? Get a load of this: "Underneath the silicone skin are almost 200 pressure sensors, and CB2 is able to associate touch with action and emotion, just like a real child. With the aid of a human mommy, CB2 has taught itself to walk, using 51 pneumatic muscles. The basic idea is really to create a robot that mimics the physical and mental learning abilities of a 2 year old child." Yeah, a murderous, robotic 2 year old. Thanks but no thanks.

I don't know what else to say except this is straightup batshit crazy. Do these robot creators ever watch Sci-fi movies? Below is a video excerpt from the future when these Robot Children become self-aware. You can see all the adorable Robot children at the 1:00 mark.

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