Friday, April 3, 2009

Mutant Chronicles Review

The Mutant Chronicles is an independent sci-fi action film directed by Simon Hunter and starring Thomas Jane and Ron Perlman. It will be released in theatres April 24, 2009, but is available now on various Video on Demand services such as Xbox Live.

The story takes place in the distant future in the year 2707 and deals with a global war accidentally unleashing a hidden mutant population that laid dormant for thousands of years. The premise appears to be your typical action movie fare, but they do manage to place a couple unexpected twists.

I'm not sure if I was just expecting it to be garbage, but I found that it was surprisingly good. It reminded me a little of Pitch Black. It had that indie feel to it, while at the same time it had convincing special effects and an interesting story.

A plot summary is done well here if you are interested.

I give the movie a 3/5. (Trailer below)

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