Friday, April 3, 2009

Legends of Zork (Free) Browser Based MUD game Released

There is a new browser-based MUD game just released titled Legends of Zork. It can be found here. It is based on the classic Zork games which were text based adventure games popular on PC's and Apple computers in the 1980's. The developers of Legends of Zork refuse to call the game a MMORPG similar to World of Warcraft or Age of Conan, and instead refer to it as a casual adventure game.

I've played the game myself today (it is free) and enjoyed it. It was reminiscent of Red Dragon's Inn an old BBS game from yesteryear. In the same spirit of Red Dragon's Inn, you choose a character and various attributes, then adventure out from your base. You have 30 Action Points a day to use (of course, you can purchase more with real money) to adventure, explore, or PVP.

What I really enjoy about Legends of Zork is that it is a game that can help control how much time you put into it, instead of getting caught in the addiction of a typical MMORPG. An iPhone version (I'm guessing it won't work on the iPhone browser) is rumored to be in development as well. Just remember, this is a basic game. Very basic, and if you're interested in the classic Zork games, you can play them in flash here.

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