Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Popeye's Runs Out of Free Chicken!

Popeye's must have had some great offer for some free chicken because these people are pissed. It is an entertaining video, but what I don't really understand is that these people were going to get some chicken for free, right? SO WHAT if Popeye's ran out of chicken? You should have been there earlier tight wads. What did you expect would happen? It's like John Holmes being pissed cause he caught AIDS. He fucked chix all the time. What did you think would happen?

Why don't people just go buy some fucking chicken across the street at KFC instead of expecting things to be given out for free. One woman "drove across town to a second location" to see if she could get some there because the first location she had driven to "ran out". WTF?!? Anyway without further bitching, here is the video.

The bottom line... the gas that woman spent driving across town probably could've been used as the difference to go get some chicken from a different company.


  1. Or they could just go get some Wendys, Taco Bell or McDonalds. There is such a thing as a 99 cent menu.

  2. Makes you almost wish zombies were running around, eating brains...although, it seems like some brains have already been eaten. Huhm.
