Friday, April 3, 2009

King of Kong Rematch!

Just when you're sure that one of your friends is the biggest Douchebag there is, you watch King of Kong and realize he's not so bad. King of Kong was a great documentary. It told the story of a natural-born loser, Steve Wiebe (pronounced Weebee) taking on the arrogant reigning Donkey Kong champion Billy Mitchell.

The movie is filled with Billy Mitchell using lame, philosophical quotes throughout the entire movie like he thinks he is Confucius or something (which is entertaining in itself), but the intriguing part of the movie comes when you realize the "official" record keepers of the videogame world are crooked and corrupt to the point where they try to denounce Steve Wiebe's authentic record-breaking score because... well basically, because all of them idolize Billy Mitchell. It gets better. Guess who is one of the "official" judges. Yep, Billy Mitchell. This part of the movie reminds me of the local Magic the Gathering (MTG) sanctioned tournaments with "official" MTG judges who let their friends win all the tournaments and the friends ,in turn, go to State Championship and so forth. It's so pathetic.

Nonetheless, It's a very entertaining movie regardless if you're a videogame fan or not. My fiance loved it and we talked about it for days afterward.

Either way (without ruining the movie any further), June 2, 2009, there will be a rematch between the 2 Donkey Kong players at this year's E3. This will be great. Hope it works out for Steve Wiebe, that Billy Mitchell guy is such a douche.

Steve "Mr. Nice Guy" Wiebe

Billy "Douchebag" Mitchell

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