Friday, April 3, 2009

New Game or Sex? Poll shows New Game

A new poll done by British online store PS3PriceCompare polled several of their customers (1130 to be exact) and asked them a simple question.

Question 1: "Which would you prefer; sex with your partner or an evening playing video games?"

32% of the guys (all of them men in relationships) said they would rather play games. Kind of shocking to me, but I also have a "lady in the streets, freak in the sheets" kind of gal. Well... at least the last part is true. Anyway, things get really interesting on the second question.

Question 2: "Which would you prefer; sex with your partner or an evening playing a new video game?"

72% of the guys said they would prefer to play the new videogame.

Remember, this is not hardcore statistics. We are not talking about a ultra-controlled study done by sex researchers. This was just a random poll held by an online store. But it is interesting to see so many guys pick sex over videogames.

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