Thursday, April 30, 2009

Take a Break and Watch This: The Hunt for Gollum (fanmade)

Everyone is hyped about the X-Men Origins: Wolverine movie coming out Friday, May 1, but not me. (The special effects are horrible! hehe...) I'm stoked about this little independent film based on the Lord of the Rings movies. It's titled The Hunt for Gollum and will be released free on the internet Sunday, May 3. I say "fanmade" above, but in reality, I think a pretty penny was spent on making this movie. The trailer looks cool. You can view it below.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Popeye's Runs Out of Free Chicken!

Popeye's must have had some great offer for some free chicken because these people are pissed. It is an entertaining video, but what I don't really understand is that these people were going to get some chicken for free, right? SO WHAT if Popeye's ran out of chicken? You should have been there earlier tight wads. What did you expect would happen? It's like John Holmes being pissed cause he caught AIDS. He fucked chix all the time. What did you think would happen?

Why don't people just go buy some fucking chicken across the street at KFC instead of expecting things to be given out for free. One woman "drove across town to a second location" to see if she could get some there because the first location she had driven to "ran out". WTF?!? Anyway without further bitching, here is the video.

The bottom line... the gas that woman spent driving across town probably could've been used as the difference to go get some chicken from a different company.

Monday, April 27, 2009

World of Warcraft on iPhone!?!

Swine Flu Outbreak!

I've been busy for the past few days preparing for my Mom's Birthday Party, so I have been unable to post anything. Since then, I've noticed news clippings that appear to look like the End of the World or the beginning of a best-selling help guide titled "How to Survive a Zombie Apocalypse". Either way, it's really cool. But all kidding aside, let's look at how we're all going to die.

First a virus is an infectious agent that is (evil and...) not alive, unlike bacteria, which are (also evil and...) basically a microscopic "animal" that is alive. What that means is that viruses are a pain in the ass to health care workers. Think about it. How do you kill something that isn't alive? That is why antibiotics work on bacteria but not viruses.

Typically, you just need to let a virus "run it's course". What that means is that you get really sick, then your body builds up antibodies to fight it off, then you get better unless you are really old or really young. There are anti-viral medications, but these medicines do not actually kill the virus, they just stall the development of the infection. So basically your body is still in charge with developing an immune response and fighting off the infection. The anti-viral medication just gives it some "bonus time" to do so.

Ok. You may be asking, "So what is the big deal anyway? The flu is the flu, right?" Well... just read below.

How to get a Bad-Ass Flu Strain in 3 Easy Steps!

Step 1: First, have a virulent flu strain in a species population. Let's use the aforementioned swine flu as an example.

Step 2: Next, have said flu strain mutate so that it can now spread between swine and humans, instead of the usual same species spreading. Not really a problem for anyone unless they spend a lot of time in close quarters with their livestock.

Step 3: Finally, have said flu strain mutate again so that it can now spread from human to human and voila. Swine Flu Outbreak '09.

The Spanish Flu which spread across the world in the late 1910's is an example of a virus that made it to step 3. Even though viruses don't normally make it that far, when they do (like the Spanish Flu) weird shit starts happening that isn't suppose to. Just look at the headlines of newspapers from the time of that era and you will see what I mean. "Up to 100 million people dead from the flu!" - "20 - 40 year old adults are the bulk of the deaths from the flu!" - "Women now have the right to vote!" It's horrifying. I personally remember hearing the CDC (Center for Disease Control) state a few years back during the SARS scare that as long as a flu strain doesn't make it to Step 3, we'll be ok. Well, what now? Guess I will have to go to Hatley's and bunker down for the next decade or so. As least I'll be safe from the zombies.

Ok. So far the Zombie fl... I'm sorry... the Swine Flu could possibly kick our ass. You may think there is still hope? "Can't we just pass out vaccines to make us all immune?", you may ask. Well not exactly. Yes, every year there is a flu vaccine available for the upcoming flu season. That is only because it is harvested months in advance from chicken eggs. This particular strain appeared out of nowhere (nowhere meaning Mexico City) and even if we could cultivate some strains of it for vaccines, it would still take several weeks if not months to synthesize vaccines and even then the supplies would be severely limited (This is my own professional opinion - and by professional, I mean fuck off!). *UPDATE* I'm guessing that there is really nothing we can do except hope that this turns out to be a "scare" and not a Pandemic. Other than that, it will be zombie hunting season. YEE-HAW!

School Teacher says the N-word

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Movie Cliches

This site lists tons of movie cliches. Most of them are obvious like: "In all high school or college classrooms, the teacher or professor will always be interrupted in mid-sentence by the end-of-class bell". But some cliches I never knew were even cliches, such as "Two total strangers, upon falling into bed together, will always reach an incredibly intense, mutual, and SIMULTANEOUS orgasm on the first try". I thought that was just normal sex. Oh well, I guess I'm lucky that's how my sex life is. :) Anyway, it makes an interesting read.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Kyocera EOS phone features sexy/flexy OLED screen, more astonishing tech (aka Coolest Phone Ever)

Courtesy Dvice by Charlie White

Kyocera takes us into the future of cell phoniness with this EOS phone, slapping one astonishing tech on top of another. First up is its flexible OLED display that lets you fold it up like a wallet. Second is its shape-memory buttons that pop out from their flush position right when you need them.

The kicker is its kinetic energy power, working like a self-winding watch to keep it perpetually in the juice. Either that or you have to work it like an old-timey Pitcher Pump just to make a phone call. Let's hope not. We're thinking the Kyocera EOS's creator, industrial designer Susan McKinney, might not have that part quite worked out yet.

Take the jump to see another pic of this sexy design concept splayed out with its wide screen showing:

AT&T's iPhone contract expires in 2010, so will Apple switch carriers?

Courtesy of Dvice by Kevin Hall

The iPhone has been good to AT&T. It helped attract over 4.3 million subscribers toward the end of '08, with 40% of them new to the telecom giant. That's why AT&T CEO Randall Stephenson is currently in talks with Apple to extend the iPhone's exclusivity with his company into 2011. AT&T has been trying to shake off the cobwebs it's gathered from a landline-centric strategy, and breakaway mobile devices such as the iPhone helps it rebuild its brand.

"We have 77 million wireless customers and 30 million consumer phone lines," Stephenson told the Wall Street Journal. "Which customer base would you rather work from? We tend to come at this backwards."

So is there hope? Apple won't say either way. While AT&T's exclusive deal saddened those who didn't want to switch carriers but still wanted an iPhone, apparently Verizon was originally offered the gadget and declined. Hopefully in 2010 Verizon and others will rectify that mistake, and we'll have some choices.

Best Gift Wrapping Ever!

I wish I had friends like this (see below) and this.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

How to Remove "Tramp Stamps" or "The Mark of the Whore"

Transformers: RotF Runtime Announced

Director Michael Bay told that his upcoming sequel film Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen will run 147 minutes long, or nearly two and a half hours.


Breaking News: Cyberdyne HAL exoskeltons on sale for $4,200

courtesy of dvice by Kevin Hall

The end is nigh...

Cyberdyne is gearing up to mass produce 400 of its "Hybrid Assistive Limb" exoskeletons annually, selling first to interests in Japan, then perhaps the rest of the world. The company intends the suit less for personal interest and more for "rehabilitation support and physical training support in medical field, ADL support for disabled people, heavy labour support at factories, and rescue support at disaster sites, as well as in the entertainment field." But, hey, if the market exists, Cyberdyne will ramp up production and — who knows? — maybe all of us will be running around in our very own exoskeletons.

The bottom line... is WTF PEOPLE!?! Seriously, do you guys ever watch fucking sci-fi movies? I feel like I'm a mutant that can see the future just because I've watched The Terminator. For chrissake, the name of the company that makes the cyborg's in the films is even called Cyberdyne. Can you be more obvious. And the worst part about it is, I'm ordering one of these things. You know how badass it would be to have a neighbor ask you to help him change a tire and you walk over clanking and hissing while you bend down and effortlessly lift his car. It couldn't be more badass unless it came with a automatic 6 inch dick extension (that rhymed... cool). I guess as long as "Cy-ber-dyne" doesn't become "Cy-borg R US" we should be alright, but that's probably what the people in the movie said just before Skynet became self-aware. So, I guess we're screwed.

Monday, April 13, 2009

New Cartoon Iron Man Armored Adventures to be Released

Nicktoons Network, the fastest growing kids' network, introduces Iron Man: Armored Adventures as the newest installation in the network's partnership with Marvel Animation. The new animated half-hour series, which includes an original theme song from musical group Rooney, follows a teenage Tony Stark as he attempts to balance the pressures of being a teen with his responsibilities as Iron Man. The 26-episode adventure begins with two back-to-back episodes Friday, April 24, from 7- 8p.m. (ET), and continues regularly Fridays at 7p.m. (ET) on Nicktoons Network.

Upcoming Marvel Movies

Marvel updated it's list of upcoming movies. Here it is.

May 7, 2010

May 6, 2011

June 17, 2011

July 22, 2011

May 4, 2012

Marvels intentions is to hire the actors to multi-picture deals and feature story arcs that will be interwoven and culminate in a multi-character motion picture known as The Avengers. In other words, this has all the ingredients to be fucking awesome. Please don't screw it up Marvel.

Electronic Arts Accidently Shipped Illegal Merchandise

Courtesy of kotaku by Brian Crecente

Electronic Arts today contacted game writers around the country asking them to return the brass knuckles they were sent as part of a promotion for Godfather II.

The representative that contacted me said that the company wanted to make sure that the brass knuckles were "properly disposed of." He declined to comment any further. Contacted by email Friday, an Electronic Arts spokesperson verified that the company is asking that all of the brass knuckles shipped out be returned.

Brass knuckles or metallic knuckles are illegal in many of the states that they were shipped to. They're also illegal in California, where EA is based.

In Colorado, possessing an illegal weapon is a class 1 misdemeanor, according to a Denver police spokeswoman. Illegal weapons are defined as a blackjack, gas gun, metallic knuckles, gravity knife, or switchblade knife.

Electronic Arts did not respond to emails seeking comment about the legality of the items they shipped and whether they faced any legal actions for shipping them across state lines.

Judge Mathis Game to have Prison Rape

Ever heard of Judge Mathis? He is a big, black, male Judge Judy with the same no-nonsense judgements. Well, he is planning to release a videogame based on hard decisions. The game (which doesn't have a name yet) will start by releasing a con (you) from prison because of overcrowding. You have to start making choices. Be a good citizen and avoid negative temptations and influences or follow the same criminal path that got you in trouble in the first place and possibly get a life sentence from Judge Mathis.

Being a fan of videogames, Judge Mathis wants the game to be as realistic as possible. All the way to the prison rape. Yes, you read that right, prison rape. Butt, there is a way to avoid that outcum. :) Looking at the annals of the way you played the game Judge Mathis will determine if you get sent to prison or not. (hehe) So in other words, you will be judged and sentenced, and if you have not been leading a "good" life you will be sent to the slammer. (haha) No word yet on if the game will let you give a rebuttal (this never gets old).

The bottom line... is this is freakin weird and at the same time hilarious. Can't wait to see if this makes it through to the pipeline (pun intended) and even if it does, it will be interesting to see if videogamers get behind the game and play it. (that was the last one, i swear.)

Take a Break and Watch This: Watchmen 80's Cartoon (fanmade)

If the 'Watchmen' was made into an 80's cartoon...

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Videogame World

Ever wondered what it would feel like to live in a videogame world?

Conficker Eye Chart

Conficker's April 1 update has come and gone. Since then it has updated via P2P software but still hasn't caused any problems (at least nothing noticeable). Still, better safe than sorry. In case you may not know, here is a Conficker "eye chart" you use to see if your computer is infected with the Conficker worm. Click the link and look at the eye chart. If you see all the icons, you're safe. If not, then there is a list of what is possibly wrong with your computer below the picture.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Things to Know about Dragonball so You can Enjoy the Movie

Not going see the Dragonball movie? Just not interested, or don't know if you would enjoy it because you never watched the cartoons or read the manga? Scared the Dragonball nerds will laugh at some hidden joke and you will have to make yourself laugh so you don't stand out? It's ok. Admit it you pussy!

Well, luckily scifiwire can help. They created is a list of things to know before you see the movie so that you can be "up to par" with the Dragonball fans. Now you can make fun of all the confused losers ("losers" is a relative term).

10 things you need to know to enjoy the Dragonball movie

Mike Tyson's Punch -Out 2


Mike Tyson's Intergalactic Power Punch was set to be a true sequel to the original Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! However, due to a falling out between Nintendo and Tyson, the project took a left hook and the game was altered to the release known as Power Punch II with the main character's name being changed to "Mark Tyler".

This historical proto was dumped by bunnyboy and released on April 6th 2009, thanks to the fine community of rabid NES collectors at NintendoAGE and a notorious NES proto hound known as DreamTR. Reproduction cartridges were immediately made available from Retrozone.

Go a few rounds with aliens in Mike Tyson's Intergalactic Power Punch! No more Mark Tyler here! Get a repro of the real sequel to Mike Tyson's Punch-Out and beat down some alien fighters. The InterGalactic Boxing Federation invites you to box against their greatest space monsters. Not all these aliens have ears, however, so you bear in mind you may need to diversify your tactics.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Spider-man Venom Spinoff in the Works

Courtesy of
by Jeff Otto

Sony is officially moving forward with its Spider-Man spinoff movie focusing on Venom and has hired Zombieland writing team Paul Wernick and Rhett Reese to pen the script, the writers told a group of reporters.

"We had a really great relationship with Sony on [Zombieland], and so that was a nice in for us there," Reese said in a group interview. "It gave us a leg up."

The duo is already working on the script, but they are sworn to secrecy on the details. "We're under strict orders on Venom," Wernick said. "We can't talk about it. It's just super secret."

Unlike Spider-Man director Sam Raimi, who has admitted that he wasn't a Venom fan before directing Spider-Man 3, Wernick and Reese said they are big fans of the comic character and have recently been doing their research to ensure that they do justice to him. "We read [Venom] growing up, but we were not experts," Reese said. "We certainly know the mythology of Venom, but went back and learned more when it became clear that we could actually get this job."

Ultimately, the writing team has fan interest at heart, they said. Even as they are just getting started on the script, they admit fan scrutiny is on their minds. "Absolutely, I'm terrified," Reese said with a nervous laugh. "It's source material that everybody knows and everybody's familiar with and everybody loves. There's a burden on you to meet the expectations of people. A lot of people are curious about Venom."

The bottom line... thank god Sony gave the controls to someone other than Sam Raimi. He has on many occasions publicly stated he was not a fan of Venom and did not understand the Spider-man fan's admiration for the character. Explains why Spider-man 3 sucked so bad. Hope these guys do a good job with the Venom spinoff.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Take a break and Watch This: Katedra - Tomek Baginski

I remember watching the Oscars back in 2002 and saw a clip of Katedra (Polish for Cathedral) by Tomek Baginski when they were showing the nominees for Best Short Film (Animated). I was thinking, "Wow, this is freakin awesome." I ended up downloading it (this is before Youtube) and sharing it with my friends. Good times.

Well, I came across the video again and decided to post it. So here you go.

Will Terminator Salvation Lose R Rating

All 3 Terminator movies have been rated R. That may change with the next installment of the franchise, Terminator Salvation. A promotional spot with Pizza Hut is saying the movie is rated PG-13. The director McG has lately been stating he filmed the movie the way he wanted to and doesn't care if it is rated R or PG-13. I'm calling bullshit on this, because back at WonderCon in San Francisco in March, McG riled up the crowd during a topless scene in the movie in order to (I'm assuming) use that as ammunition to keep Terminator Salvation rated R. It sucks that Hollywood executives care more about money than a good movie.

Possible Sequel to 300 in the Works?

Zack Snyder is willing to do a sequel to the blockbuster movie 300, if Frank Miller wants to write one. That's what the article here states. 300 was a great movie. Just leave it alone.

Iron Man 2 Movie Set Pics and Clip

Guess they are already filming Iron Man 2. Wow, that was fast. Here are some pics and a small video clip from the set.

Take a Break and Watch This: Green Lantern Movie Trailer (fanmade)

Here is a Green Lantern Movie Trailer. Proof that comic book fans STILL have too much time on their hands.

Breaking News: Skynet is Online!

courtesy of botjunkie

Robot Child is now age 2

Looking to get murdered by a robot this year? Well, there's no other robot out there that looks as capable of committing the cruelest of acts upon its master without any remorse than the CB2 (Child-robot with Biomimetic Body). Just look at those dead, soulless eyes! They harbor some serious evils within, you can tell.

Still not scared? Get a load of this: "Underneath the silicone skin are almost 200 pressure sensors, and CB2 is able to associate touch with action and emotion, just like a real child. With the aid of a human mommy, CB2 has taught itself to walk, using 51 pneumatic muscles. The basic idea is really to create a robot that mimics the physical and mental learning abilities of a 2 year old child." Yeah, a murderous, robotic 2 year old. Thanks but no thanks.

I don't know what else to say except this is straightup batshit crazy. Do these robot creators ever watch Sci-fi movies? Below is a video excerpt from the future when these Robot Children become self-aware. You can see all the adorable Robot children at the 1:00 mark.

New PSP to Arrive Christmas '09

Above pic is a mock-up of what PSP2 may look like

There are several rumors running around stating that Sony will be releasing a new PSP this Christmas season. Supposedly these are legitimate, reliable rumors. Of course Sony is probably waiting till E3 to release any info, but one of the most interesting bits of info to leak is that Sony is targeting iPhone's market. The new PSP will have a full touchscreen and also an app store along with dual analog conrols (which should make gamers happy).

I wonder if the "PSP 2" will try to be a phone too?

Full article can be found here.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Unreal Tournament combined with Sonic the Hedgehog

courtesy of

In the past, we've seen a number of cool Unreal Tournament mods -- including that fascinating LEGO creation from a year ago -- but we've never seen anything quite like the Sonic the Hedgehog mod (posted after the break). The concept takes the gun-slinging action of Unreal Tournament to Sonic's Green Hill Zone. The mod looks just like the original level from the first Sonic game; it even sounds like it (listen to the bumper sound effects), though it's missing the original's catchy background music.

Just don't go showing this off to Sega. We don't want the company getting any bright ideas ... you know, like: "Sonic Shooters." Sonic and the Black Knight was just about all the innovation that we can handle.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Palm Pre vs iPhone

Although everyone reading this article is rolling their eyes and sighing at yet another article written about the Palm Pre taking on Apple's iPhone, the fact is the Palm Pre WILL be the toughest competitor iPhone has yet to face in the long list of "iPhone killers". The Palm Pre was unveiled at the Consumer Electronic Show (CES) earlier this year and it was hands down the number one most talked about product. Let's look at some of the hype and how it compares to iPhone. Here are a few slight advantages the Palm Pre has over the iPhone.


The Palm Pre will allow you to browse through multiple programs with a swipe of your finger. Flicking your finger will close the program. It also will allow programs to run in the background, a feature the iPhone does not currently have. Also, Palm has also agreed to have an app store similar to Apple's. Basically, Palm Pre has what the iPhone has, and then some.


I don't own an iPhone. So, I can't say how good or bad the touch screen is, but I have used a friend's iPhone for a short time just to "try it out". I found that the touch screen is great. It registers your finger taps accurately and it felt very responsive. BUT, nothing beats a physical keyboard which the Palm Pre will be sporting. Some people may view Palm Pre's lack of a touch screen keyboard as a minus, but I view it as a plus.


The Palm Pre will be able to combine all of your contacts from your cell phone, facebook, twitter, etc into one single address book entry. Instead of having to shuffle between multiple applications (like on iPhone) in order to communicate with various social hubs, you will be able to SMS, instant message, or contact someone on Facebook from a single screen.

and the big one...


Apple released a statement this past January that said something like this: "The iPhone has 15,000 applications available for use! No one will ever catch up!" Well, guess how many the Palm OS has available? Over 50,000 applications. 'Nuff said, but I do want to clarify one thing. The webOS that will be on the Palm Pre will not be backwards compatible meaning that it will not support the old Palm OS and therefore you won't be able to use the old apps HUH?!?... but you just... I know what I said. Palm doesn't want to lose that advantage, so Palm has publically stated that they will help Palm developers port their apps to the webOS and they welcome third-parties to provide applications for backwards-compatibility. In other words, it will be backwards-compatible. (Before I finished writing this article, I found a third-party app that will provide backwards-compatibility. Jeez, that was fast!)

The Palm Pre will be bringing some big guns into the cell phone showdown, so it'll be interesting in a few years to see who will reign supreme. iPhone has such a huge jump on the Palm Pre, I almost think it will be impossible for Palm to do any damage.

Just to be fair, the iPhone has a couple advantages. It has the Palm Pre beat in the design department (Apple excels in that area). Also, both phones are guilty of having a list (albeit small) of features missing that are standard on most cell phones. The Palm Pre lacks video recording and removable storage, while the iPhone lacks MMS and background applications. (I know MMS is suppose to be in the next iPhone update. I'll believe it when I see it.)

The bottom line... whoever wins, they will have a monopoly that'll make Bill Gates jealous. It's stilll too early to say who will be on top when all the dust settles, but it'll be fun to watch. The war has just begun.

Friday, April 3, 2009

New Game or Sex? Poll shows New Game

A new poll done by British online store PS3PriceCompare polled several of their customers (1130 to be exact) and asked them a simple question.

Question 1: "Which would you prefer; sex with your partner or an evening playing video games?"

32% of the guys (all of them men in relationships) said they would rather play games. Kind of shocking to me, but I also have a "lady in the streets, freak in the sheets" kind of gal. Well... at least the last part is true. Anyway, things get really interesting on the second question.

Question 2: "Which would you prefer; sex with your partner or an evening playing a new video game?"

72% of the guys said they would prefer to play the new videogame.

Remember, this is not hardcore statistics. We are not talking about a ultra-controlled study done by sex researchers. This was just a random poll held by an online store. But it is interesting to see so many guys pick sex over videogames.

Mutant Chronicles Review

The Mutant Chronicles is an independent sci-fi action film directed by Simon Hunter and starring Thomas Jane and Ron Perlman. It will be released in theatres April 24, 2009, but is available now on various Video on Demand services such as Xbox Live.

The story takes place in the distant future in the year 2707 and deals with a global war accidentally unleashing a hidden mutant population that laid dormant for thousands of years. The premise appears to be your typical action movie fare, but they do manage to place a couple unexpected twists.

I'm not sure if I was just expecting it to be garbage, but I found that it was surprisingly good. It reminded me a little of Pitch Black. It had that indie feel to it, while at the same time it had convincing special effects and an interesting story.

A plot summary is done well here if you are interested.

I give the movie a 3/5. (Trailer below)

Keep Your WoW Account Safe

Courtesy of Lifehacker

For World of Warcraft players deadly serious about account security, Blizzard has released the Mobile Authenticator for the iPhone. No need to carry a keychain ever again.

The free iPhone app is now available for download through the iTunes App Store, giving World of Warcraft players peace of mind with the power of a unique identifying code. No longer will someone be able to log into your WoW account to see who you're cybering with on your personal time.

It works just like the already-released keychain version, but without the need for unique hardware. All that's required is a simple download and a quick change to your account.

If you don't have an iPhone, an iPod Touch with a working wi-fi connection will do. Expect Blizzard to offer a similar Mobile Authenticator for other mobile platforms and providers at some point in the future. Mobile Authenticator Now Available [World of Warcraft] Mobile Authenticator [iTunes]

Legends of Zork (Free) Browser Based MUD game Released

There is a new browser-based MUD game just released titled Legends of Zork. It can be found here. It is based on the classic Zork games which were text based adventure games popular on PC's and Apple computers in the 1980's. The developers of Legends of Zork refuse to call the game a MMORPG similar to World of Warcraft or Age of Conan, and instead refer to it as a casual adventure game.

I've played the game myself today (it is free) and enjoyed it. It was reminiscent of Red Dragon's Inn an old BBS game from yesteryear. In the same spirit of Red Dragon's Inn, you choose a character and various attributes, then adventure out from your base. You have 30 Action Points a day to use (of course, you can purchase more with real money) to adventure, explore, or PVP.

What I really enjoy about Legends of Zork is that it is a game that can help control how much time you put into it, instead of getting caught in the addiction of a typical MMORPG. An iPhone version (I'm guessing it won't work on the iPhone browser) is rumored to be in development as well. Just remember, this is a basic game. Very basic, and if you're interested in the classic Zork games, you can play them in flash here.

King of Kong Rematch!

Just when you're sure that one of your friends is the biggest Douchebag there is, you watch King of Kong and realize he's not so bad. King of Kong was a great documentary. It told the story of a natural-born loser, Steve Wiebe (pronounced Weebee) taking on the arrogant reigning Donkey Kong champion Billy Mitchell.

The movie is filled with Billy Mitchell using lame, philosophical quotes throughout the entire movie like he thinks he is Confucius or something (which is entertaining in itself), but the intriguing part of the movie comes when you realize the "official" record keepers of the videogame world are crooked and corrupt to the point where they try to denounce Steve Wiebe's authentic record-breaking score because... well basically, because all of them idolize Billy Mitchell. It gets better. Guess who is one of the "official" judges. Yep, Billy Mitchell. This part of the movie reminds me of the local Magic the Gathering (MTG) sanctioned tournaments with "official" MTG judges who let their friends win all the tournaments and the friends ,in turn, go to State Championship and so forth. It's so pathetic.

Nonetheless, It's a very entertaining movie regardless if you're a videogame fan or not. My fiance loved it and we talked about it for days afterward.

Either way (without ruining the movie any further), June 2, 2009, there will be a rematch between the 2 Donkey Kong players at this year's E3. This will be great. Hope it works out for Steve Wiebe, that Billy Mitchell guy is such a douche.

Steve "Mr. Nice Guy" Wiebe

Billy "Douchebag" Mitchell

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Videogame Magazine Outsells Time, Playboy, and Sports Illustrated

The Era of the Nerd is upon us. When the gaming magazine GameInformer outsells traditional popular titles such as Time and Playboy, you know things are changing. The best thing about this story is that now we (us nerds) have a fact we can point out to people who refuse to believe that adults play videogames.

For the most part I don't care what anyone thinks about me, but it is annoying when someone's girlfriend/wife rolls their eyes and whispers to their friends, "I wonder when they are going to grow up. It's so childish playing videogames." Well, BOOYAH BITCHES! Obviously it's NOT only kids playing videogames. I don't remember Highlights or Boy's Life magazine making any top 20 list of magazines sold.

You shouldn't judge people on what they do with their free time. But of course this isn't a perfect world where everyone is nice to everybody, so here is your evidence to use against them (them = dumb whores) when you decide to put them in their place.

The bottom line... the time's are changing. To all the traditionalists, either change with it, keep your mouth shut, or keep talking and look stupid. Unlike you, I don't care.

Mass Effect 2 to have Short Elevator Rides

Mass Effect was a great game. No one can deny that. But some of the shortfalls will be addressed with the sequel, Mass Effect 2.

Bioware's Ray Muzyka had this to say, "We have a completely new system to handle transitions between areas that speeds the load times and turns the loads themselves into part of the game experience. It's one of many points of feedback we've heard and directly responded to in enhancing the gameplay in Mass Effect 2." Allow You to Update all of your Social Sites at once

With twitter, Myspace, Facebook, and many others vying to be our main social connection hub, a person can spend a large amount of time shuttling back and forth between sites to keep themselves up to date with their friends. has found an answer to that. provides a dashboard that allows you to update all of your social sites at once instead of having to login to each one. Almost 40 services are supported from Twitter and Facebook to AIM and GTalk. It also supports updates via SMS, IM, email, and third-party apps.

If you are a social network-aholic, then this may be the app for you.

Want to Rape your Wife? Move to Afghanistan!

This is just downright crazy. It goes to show we are doing nothing over there to change these people's way of living. The video below is an excerpt from a CNN newcast discussing a new law being passed in Afghanistan which entitles a man to have sex with his wife whenever he pleases and also to prevent her from leaving the house unless she asks permission. Some people make jokes about suppressing women and a couple even make me chuckle, but this is ridiculous.

I'm a very unbiased person. I'm not saying going to Afghanistan (and Iraq) was a mistake, but we do need to move out already. We've caused too much trouble there and what the Hell made Bush think that we were ever going to change their way of thinking? What people don't realize is their way of life has been like that for 1000's of years!

"Fat Princess" Game Causes Controversy

Fat Princess is a new game being released by Titan Studios and published by Sony for the PS3. Of course it isn't without controversy considering the premise of the game is to get your princess as fat as possible so that the enemy players need more men to carry her off.

The goal of the game is to pick 1 of 5 classes which include mage, priest, warrior, worker, and archer. At the beginning of the game, each of the teams will already have their opponent's princess held captive. In order to make their opponent's task in rescuing her more difficult, the player can give more and more food to the princess they have captured, so that she will become fatter and heavier, and the opponent's team will need larger number of players to carry her.[1]

I don't know about you, but this looks freakin hilarious. We'll have to wait and see if the game play holds up after the initial humor wears off.

Fat Princess is scheduled to be released Summer 2009 in Sony's Playstation Store.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Conficker Worm a Bust

Conficker worm day (aka let's-get-the-world-paranoid-over-nothing day) has come and gone. Reminds me of the Y2k scare back at the turn of the millenium. All talk and no action. Oh well, that's good news anyway... or maybe the Conficker worm's creator(s) are waiting for a more inconspicuous date to perform their assault against the world. MWWAAHHHAAAHHAAA. Probably not though.

What is happening actually, is the worm is "dialing home" but no one is answering. IT Security experts are saying that with all the publicity and people all over the world watching the worm's actions, the boss(es) of the worm do not want to give away their plans or have anyone figuring out who they are. Right now the boss(es) are just lying low and not responding to the ~ 10 million infected computers desperately waiting for new instructions. Unfortunately, everyday in the future could be the day that the boss(es) give the worm an update which could be anything from a practical joke to something that could have seriuos repercussions worldwide. Only time will tell.

Found my Wedding Band!

I'm going to be getting married soon (in the next 15 - 20 years) so I've been looking for rings. I was drawn to the Lord of the Rings inspired wedding band found here, but now I think I've found the one ring (pun intended) that I want. It is a precise cast of the original Atari 2600 computer chip used to power one of the most popular consoles ever. Now I just need to get my beautiful fiance to agree to it.

Sony Scared of OnLive?

OnLive was revealed last week at the Game Developers Conference (GDC) and immediately videogame forums across the internet exploded with debates of how successful it would be. The news was big enough that major news sites such as CNN and FOXNews did stories on it as well as the traditional technology sites such as Cnet. Major game publishers Electronic Arts, Take-Two, Ubisoft, Epic Games, Atari, Codemasters, THQ, Warner Bros., 2D Boy and Eidos Interactive have signed up to have games available for the format. Seems as though everyone is onboard for the ultimate gaming nirvana doesn't it?

Well not Sony. Sony released a statement today stating that it does not think that OnLive is on the right track amid concerns that expenses will be passed on to the consumer. As stated by Sony, "What will be the final cost to the consumer when you start adding up what [OnLive is] selling?" It is not clear whether Sony thinks the traditional method of gaming should continue (with consoles and game discs) or whether a totally new direction should be employed.

The bottom line... Sony does bring up a good point. What's to keep OnLive from charging $50, $100, or whatever they want for a month long membership if they have a monopoly on the service. On the flipside of the statement, Sony has just filed a trademark patent for the name "PS Cloud" as stated in my previous post (see below), so I take what Sony says with a grain of salt. I think Sony believes cloud computing IS the wave of the future and they are taking steps in that direction. Just like they say, "History repeats itself". It appears more like Sony is trying to sabotage the hype around OnLive's announcement with this press release very similar to what they did when Sega released their Dreamcast in 1999 by announcing they were shortly going to be releasing their next videogame system (then the PS2). I wouldn't be surprised if Sony would try to steal OnLive's subscriber base (shortly after OnLive releases) with a service of their own. Guess we'll just have to wait and see.

Sony Trademark Patents the Words "PS Cloud"

Sony filed a trademark patent yesterday for the name "PS Cloud". Seems as though everyone is jumping on the OnLive bandwagon, believing the wave of the future is cloud computing. It would be nice not to have to worry about buying new systems every few years (and for a large sum of money at that). Interesting...

Next Season Smallville Superman to Wear Cape and...

Sources high up at the WB have stated Smallville Superman will be wearing the blue and red tights along with the cape in next season's (season 9) Smallville. Many thought it would be impossible considering how continuity is very important with Smallville's writers, but as always, where there is a will, there is a way.

The writers do not want to bring in the glasses yet and because of that, Tom Welling will be wearing a cowl to hide the majority of his face. Not sure if this will give him too much of a "Batman" look, but I'm sure more eyes will be tempted to stop and tune in.

Star Trek Prequel has Sequel

Anyone who isn't excited about the new upcoming Star Trek movie is a sorry excuse for a nerd. I've never watched any Star Trek movie or series (didn't know where to start) and I'm psyched about it. The previews look great and some of my favorite actors are in it.

On top of all that, there is confirmation that the Paramount Pictures is moving forward with a Star Trek sequel. Roberto Orci, Alex Kurtzman and Damon Lindelof has signed on to write the screenplay. Remember, Damon Lindelof and J. J. Abrams have already worked together on ABC's LOST and also on the upcoming Star Trek movie. J. J. Abrams hasn't commited to directing the sequel yet, but his production company, Bad Robot, will be onboard.