Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Gaming Themes for iGoogle

I'm not sure if any of you use iGoogle, but it is an interface for Google.com's start page that can be customized to your own taste with apps, web feeds, etc. Anyway, iGoogle has updated its themes to include various games. Over 25 different game themes are available with (I'm sure) more on the way. Examples include Super Mario Bros (as shown above), Mass Effect 2, and even Magic: The Gathering. The link can be found here.




MTG Alara Reborn Card Leak

Boy I'm glad that I don't play Magic the Gathering (MTG) like I used to. It is such a money pit, but that doesn't stop me from drooling over the new cards in upcoming expansions. Alara Reborn (unofficial spoiler list here) is the name of the next MTG expansion set to release on April 30, 2009, and it looks as though they are remaking a variant Rumbling Slum from Guildpact.

It looks to be an interesting set. I may have to go to the pre-release tournament (April 25 - 26 @ prolly And Books Too) and check out some of the new cards. If anyone is interested in coming with me, let me know. Also rumored is Coiling Oracle or some variant of it. Seems like it will be a fun set to play.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Netflix to Hike Price on Blu-ray

Have Netflix and a Blu-ray player and like paying only $1 a month extra for Blu-ray movies? Well, I have some bad news for you. Netflix is increasing the additional price for Blu-ray movies starting April 25 between $1 - $9 depending on which plan you use. Details below.

1 DVD out at-a-time (2 DVDs a month)
Monthly plan cost: $4.99
Additional monthly charge for Blu-ray access on this plan: $1
Monthly plan cost with Blu-ray access: $5.99

1 DVD out at-a-time (Unlimited)
Monthly plan cost: $8.99
Additional monthly charge for Blu-ray access on this plan: $2
Monthly plan cost with Blu-ray access: $10.99

2 DVDs out at-a-time (Unlimited)
Monthly plan cost: $13.99
Additional monthly charge for Blu-ray access on this plan: $3
Monthly plan cost with Blu-ray access: $16.99

3 DVDs out at-a-time (Unlimited)
Monthly plan cost: $16.99
Additional monthly charge for Blu-ray access on this plan: $4
Monthly plan cost with Blu-ray access: $20.99

4 DVDs out at-a-time (Unlimited)
Monthly plan cost: $23.99
Additional monthly charge for Blu-ray access on this plan: $5
Monthly plan cost with Blu-ray access: $28.99

5 DVDs out at-a-time (Unlimited)
Monthly plan cost: $29.99
Additional monthly charge for Blu-ray access on this plan: $6
Monthly plan cost with Blu-ray access: $35.99

6 DVDs out at-a-time (Unlimited)
Monthly plan cost: $35.99
Additional monthly charge for Blu-ray access on this plan: $7
Monthly plan cost with Blu-ray access: $42.99

7 DVDs out at-a-time (Unlimited)
Monthly plan cost: $41.99
Additional monthly charge for Blu-ray access on this plan: $8
Monthly plan cost with Blu-ray access: $49.99

8 DVDs out at-a-time (Unlimited)
Monthly plan cost: $47.99
Additional monthly charge for Blu-ray access on this plan: $9
Monthly plan cost with Blu-ray access: $56.99

The bottom line... Netflix is trying to use the economic situation as a cop-out as to why they need to increase prices. Blockbuster hasn't done so yet, so why should they. Also, everyone is suffering though these economic times. One ex-Netflix user says it best, "I got laid off so every dollar is critical. Sorry Netflix, we are all riding out the economy bugs together, you are not exempt. Blockbuster does not charge any additional for Blu-ray (yet). If they do, I'll be back." Wonder if the negative backlash will be enough for Netflix to reconsider their proposal.

Free Marvel Digital Comics

Marvel has a website where you can go and read Marvel comics online... for a price. It is $9.99 a month or $4.99 a month if you buy 12 months at once. BUT, they release some every Monday that you can read for free. This week:

AVENGERS #189 (1963)

Don't Get Between a Man and His Gaming

Women will slowly come to realize that getting between a man and his gaming may have negative consequences. An incident happened on the Saikyo Line train (a commuter train in Tokyo) where a 50-year-old woman felt the train was too crowded for Jun Ando (a 21-year-old computer programmer) to be playing a game on his cell phone and told him to stop. He proceeded to punch her in the face several times. Ando was restrained by his fellow passengers, who then escorted him off the train at Toda Park station. He was taken to the station office, where he punched the woman in the face again! He has been arrested for assault and the woman's jaw was broken.

The bottom line... I don't condone violence of women and I hate to say this, but she should be minding her own business. I can understand if he was playing the Wii Fit, but come on, a cell phone game? They say you can't teach an old dog new tricks, but I bet she learned her lesson.

Boardgame Insults

Here is a list of "Top Ten Boardgame Insults" I came across while browing the internet... it's only slightly amusing. Looks like people put up their favorite insults and then someone took the best of the best and made a list. Probably would've been funnier if they used some better games (like the ones we play) instead of the generic Scrabble, Monopoly, Battleship, etc. Anyway, here it is.

Ten Haruhila: "Here's a seven point word for you: FAIL."

Nine dfjkhsdkfjhsd: "I'd challenge you to a game of Connect Four, but you know, first you have to be able to count to four."

Eight Patrick Shearer: "See, this is why I like board games. When I am kicking your ass in one of these, you don't mysteriously disconnect with 'internet problems'."

Seven manbot: "You, with a board game in the living room. Thats the only way you're gonna beat me with Clue."

Six Superman64: "Maybe you should stick to playing Sorry, because that's what you are!"

Five Yellow13: "You're so bad at monopoly I sunk your battleship."

Four Apsup: "Good news, you sank a battleship. Bad news, it was your own."

Three Ettie: "Colonel Mustard. In the ballroom. With your MOTHER."

Two Paul Gonzalez: "Don't Gordon the board douchebag!"

Hyperlite: ˙dıɥsǝןʇʇɐq ɹnoʎ ʞuns ʇsnɾ ʎןqɐqoɹd ǝʌ,ı 'sıɥʇ pɐǝɹ uɐɔ noʎ ɟı"

Take a Break and Watch This: Thundercats Movie Trailer (fanmade)

Posting the amateur Marvel Zombies movie trailer in my previous post reminded me of another good trailer a Thundercats fan made. Here ya go...

Take a Break and Watch This: Marvel Zombies Movie Trailer (fanmade)

Combine 2 of my favorite things (comic books and zombies) and you get this.

Amazing how much time people have on their hands isn't it?

China Again!?! Say It Ain't So

The latest information about the Conficker worm is pretty disturbing. People at BKIS, a Vietnamese security firm that makes the BKAV antivirus software, announced today that they found clues that the virus may have originated from China.

This conclusion was based on the firm analyzing the virus' coding. It found that Conficker's code is closely related to that of another virus (the Nimda virus) that is believed to have been made in China.

I spoke about the Conficker worm in a previous post. This news is interesting because originally they were thinking that it may have originated in Europe or Russia and with the Chinese coming under scrutiny for allegedly masterminding a spynet (see previous post) across the globe, it makes you wonder what the hell is going on? Are the Chinese poised to take over the world or do they just want to know everything? I guess, like they say, knowledge is power.

The bottom line... even if the Chinese (government) were behind this, the U.S. wouldn't do anything about it. Worldwide, China has all the money. They are loaning us the money for all these bailouts that Obama is promoting. We (the U.S.) will just politely ask them, "Could you please stop with all this computer stuff. Oh, by the way, may I please have another $1 trillion dollars." We are in no position to make demands. They know they can do whatever they want.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Chinese Spying Discovered by Google Search

The New York Times reports there is a gigantic spy system that has targeted and exploited computers in government agencies around the world. The spy system was discovered when the esteemed Dalai Lama asked Canadian firm Munk Center for International Studies to do a some anti-virus work on his computer.

Evidence proves that China is the country of origin. Whether or not it is the Chinese Government or Chinese "patriot hackers" is to be determined, but more than 1,295 computers in 103 countries were affected in some way by the spynet.

The most amusing part is that it is reported the researchers discovered the spynet using, of all things, a Google search.

Study says Playing Action Games Improves Eyesight

A study has been done by U.S. researchers saying adults who play a lot of action video games may be improving their eyesight. Researchers divided 22 students into 2 groups and had them play videogames. One group played action games like Call of Duty: 3 and Unreal Tournament 2004 while the other played The Sims, a game that does not require a lot of hand eye coordination.

After 50 hours of assigned play time on these games for 9 weeks, the results showed the action game players improved their ability to descern close shades of gray by 43 % while the Sims players showed none.

The bottom line... if someone says you play too many videogames, just tell them that you are not playing videogames, you're doing eye excercises. If they ask you, "Then why do you still wear glasses?". Tell them, "I don't know what you're talking about. Maybe you should play more videogames."

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Wii Sale at Target

Target is where you want to go if this is your weekend to buy Wii games. Note plurals, because if you buy two, you get the third free. Available starting tomorrow (Sunday) at Target. [Target, Sunday ad]

Marvel on Demand: Free Video

I guess Marvel on Demand is Marvel's attempt at cashing in on the success of Youtube and Hulu by supplying free video for payments from advertisers. There are videos of all types of Marvel merchandise, particularly Marvel cartoons. So if ever you are bored and have 20 min to spare, you can load up one of your episodes of X-Men Evolution, Fantastic Four: World's Greatest Heroes, or better yet, Japanese Spider-Man (WTF?).

Many titles are available for viewing along with trailers from upcoming Marvel movies such as X-Men Origins: Wolverine.

Where World of Warcraft Screwed up

Released in November 2004, World of Warcraft (WoW) currently has over 11.5 million subscribers raking in over $100 million a month for Activision/Blizzard. It can safely be called a success, but it is not without its failures.

At this weeks Game Developer's Conference (GDC), Blizzard lead designer Jeffrey Kaplan discussed mistakes in WoW that Blizzard is aware of.

1 Christmas Tree Effect - This is when a player shows up to a new quest hub, and his or her mini-map is lit up like a Christmas tree with new quest opportunities.

2 "Too long, didn't read" Quests - Medium envy, where writers of one medium (in this case videogame writers) envy another medium's writers. (writers of books) And I quote, “We need to stop writing fucking books in our games because there are lots of better books out there". I remember playing WoW and constantly hearing this line.

3 Mystery - Trying to give subtle hints to where the next quest begins or consists of translates into when-players-aren't-clear-on-what-to-do,-they-become-confused,-and-that-provides-for-a-bad-game experience.

4 Poorly-Paced Quest Change - A long WoW quest that is impossible to complete until the player reaches a certain level. For players below that level who are failing at that quest, frustration sets in, which leads them to lose trust in the game's design. This also leads to frustration, and a bad experience.

5 Gimmick Quests without Polish - These are quests that are more fun for the game designer than the player. Kaplan described a vehicle quest in WoW. The game's engine isn't really designed for vehicles. If it's only designed as a gimmick, it's probably not really fun for the player.

6 Bad Flow - In WoW when players are given an inordinate amount of collection quests or kill quests in a row. It gets boring and repetitive.

Kaplan has a lot of great points. I remember those low points in an otherwise perfect game. He was previously a director in WoW, but is currently working on an unannounced Blizzard MMO. People have speculated that it will be World of Starcraft. That should be interesting.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Conficker Worm's Fury unleashes on April 1, 2009

The Conficker Worm has been harassing computer network security administrator's for months since it climbed out of the internet underground sometime in 2008. It is about to get a fresh update on April 1, 2009 and security officials are bracing for the impact that the upgrade might have.

Before we get too far you should know what a worm is. Here are some definitions to put it into perspective.

Virus -
a computer program that can copy itself and infect a computer without the permission or knowledge of the owner.

Trojan Horse - a computer program that may be legitimate but has secondary illegitimate objectives. For instance, a computer program that lets you burn DVD's but also opens a backdoor in your computer to let a hacker get in and control the computer of the user.

Worm - a self-replicating computer program. Unlike a virus, it does not need to attach itself to an existing program.

Though they sound similar, they are considerably different. Right now the Conficker worm is tearing through the internet and business computers like the sands of the desert planet Arrakis (Dune). It has infected as many as 10 million business computers with many high profile computers noted such as French Air Force, Royal Navy Warships and Submarines, Sheffield Hospital network, UK Ministry of Defence, and Norwegian Police. It has also infected scores of individual users alike. A simple action such as using a USB drive on an infected computer and then using that same USB drive on another computer will be enough to spread the infection.

The problem with the Conficker Worm is that it is ever evolving, meaning that it gets updates from it's creator(s) periodically so it's always one step ahead of the security "police". For instance, at one point (when the worm was first detected) Microsoft (MS) released a patch to fix the hole the worm was using to wreak havoc. Then shortly after, the worm updated and found a new hole to use to infect systems. What's worst is the worm uses a different site to update out of a list of 50,000. To say the least, security experts are impressed with the Conficker worm's ability to adapt and lead experts on wild goose chases.

What's interesting about this story now, is that the worm has stopped spreading. It is becoming more defensive in nature. Instead of finding ways to infect more computers, the creator(s) are taking measures to ensure that the computers that are infected with the Conficker Worm, stay infected. For instance, an infected computer may not be able to install any anti-virus programs or go to any anti-virus program web sites. It's as if the creator(s) want to protect the worm's install base by removing the worm's ability to replicate itself, which would suggest they believe they already have enough infected computers to accomplish whatever they are planning to do.

Though the worm is believed to have originated in the Ukraine, no one knows for certain. MS is concerned enough about the damages that may ensue (or have been caused), they have put a $250,000 bounty on any information leading to the creator(s) of the worm. I have never heard of a bounty (or such a large one) being put out for the creator(s) of malware. It's interesting to see where this will go.

The bottom line... IT security experts are reluctant to say "the end of the world is at hand", but the worm is set to update on April 1st, 2009, with unknown consequences.

Modern Warfare 2 announced!

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare has a sequel in the works. Activision announced a couple days ago at the Game Developer's Conference (GDC) that due to C.o.D. 4 selling over 12 million copies worldwide, and as stated "-Modern Warfare has taken on such a life of its own...".

The first one was highly entertaining with a short campaign. Hopefully they can continue the success with the sequel.

Sam Raimi gets Control of Spider-Man 4

Sam Raimi will be featured in an upcoming interview in Empire magazine's May issue. In the interview he openly talked about some of the problems with Spider-Man 3 and confirmed some rumors we all heard about 2 summers ago when the movie was released.

“They really gave me a tremendous amount of control on the first two films, actually. But then there were different opinions on the third film and I didn’t really have creative control, so to speak.”

What he is referring to, of course, is that when Spider-Man 3 was in Pre-production, Marvel told Sam Raimi that he had to include Venom in the 3rd Spider-Man film despite Sam rumored to say he did not wish to. Sam Raimi is more of a fan of the 70's Spider-Man villians and even today states he does not quite "understand" Venom.

“I don’t even want to comment on Venom, because I know he’s a great character and all the fans love him. I never want to say anything bad about a much-beloved character because usually it turns out that I’m the one that doesn’t understand what makes it great.”

I remember hearing the rumors of Spider-Man 3 before they came out and I was thinking, "if they don't put Venom in the 3rd movie I will be pissed!" Well, maybe we should watch what we wish for, because Venom was in the 3rd movie and the 3rd movie ended up being the worst one yet. You can tell that Sam Raimi's heart wasn't in the character and it shows in the movie. Too many villians and not enough character development. It was a major disappointment.

The bottom line... I'm looking forward to Spider-Man 4. He'll do a great job. As for Spider-Man 3 (despite being a big fan of Sam Raimi's work) maybe they just should have gone with another director. I mean, Venom is repeatedly considered one of the greatest villians in the history of comics. Therefore, us Spidey fans needed to see Venom. But, Switch (Belinda McClory) in the Matrix says it best, "Not like this... Not like this".

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Cobra Commander Revealed! (aka 1st Step in Screwing up what could have been an Awesome Movie Revealed)

There has much debate as to how the Cobra Commander for the new G.I. JOE movie will look relative to the 80's cartoon. The packaging for the new action figure of Cobra Commander gives us a glimpse of what he will look at in the upcoming film, G.I. JOE: Rise of Cobra.

Gordon Levitt, the actor who is playing the role of Cobra Commander in the film, has stated that he had to go through hours of prosthetic make-up application for the role everyday. What? It looks like a $2 Halloween costume mask made out of aluminum foil? Oh well, I'm still hoping the movie is good.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Wii to take over the World

Nintendo has stated that it's Wii console will have shipped 50 million units by the end of March. That will put it far ahead of the other systems will Xbox 360 at 28.5 million and PS3 at 21.3 million.

The Wii has passed this milestone in 28 months from launch. Sony's Playstation 2 (total worldwide sales of 118m) managed this feat in 36 months.

Even though the Wii managed to accomplish this feat Wii-lee fast, better games need to come out in order for it to pass PS2's huge install base.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Is OnLive the next step in Videogame Evolution?

The Game Developer's Conference (GDC), also known as E3's little brother, is releasing some very interesting videogame news stories. Rearden Studios is planning on introducing a gaming service and "microconsole", called OnLive in the near future. It is a new way to play games online without having to buy titles. It may sound alot like the vaporware Phantom console or the new Zeebo (also making a debut at the GDC), but it is much different.

OnLive will use your internet connection to allow you to "view" the game on your computer or TV while it is playing on 1 of 5 servers located at various locations across the country. Lag is reported to not be an issue and the developer's claim you only need a 1.5 Mbps connection for Standard Definition play and 5Mbps for High Definition.

The system is designed to allow players to stream on-demand games at the highest quality onto any Intel-based Mac or PC running XP or Vista, regardless of how powerful the computer. The system will also stream games directly to a TV via a small plug-in device, and players can use a custom wireless controller as well as voice-over-IP (VoIP) headsets in conjunction with it.

Deals have been made with nine publishers: EA, Take-Two, Ubisoft, Eidos, Codemasters, Epic, Atari, WB and 2D Boy, and, according to Perlman, it only requires minor modifications on Rearden's end to get titles to run on the service.

We may be playing videogames in a completely different way in the future.

BREAKING NEWS: iPhone 3.0 update to provide common, run-of-the-mill features!

I don't like the iPhone. There, I've said it. Yes, it's slowly becoming the dominant cell phone and they've done an incredible job marketing it. Also, I believe eventually you will need to own one or be left behind, similar to what Microsoft did to Apple in the 80's and 90's during the OS wars. Interesting how times have changed isn't it? 2 years ago when I first heard the specs for the iPhone, I didn't understand all the hype surrounding it and I still don't.

The interface and touchscreen were (and still is) the best on a cell phone I ever experienced, BUT until less than a year ago, you were limited to the handful of programs that Apple provided and the features of the phone were mediocre at best. You can't even send MMS?, I remember thinking. So many cell phones did so much more. Apple must have sold their soul to the devil and got a killer deal to have the public lauding over such an unremarkable phone.

Well, here we are and Apple is about to release it's next update, iPhone 3.0. The latest major update will add some much needed features such as search, MMS, and wait for it... copy/paste. *GASP* These features may sound futuristic and unbelievable, but trust me, it's official. Apple went all out with this one. What's really annoying are the people (yeah... you Dustin) touting the update like it is chock-full of innovative features that have never been heard of before. It's like some company made you eat their tomato soup for 2 years with chopsticks and then they announce that sometime in the next few months they will give you a spoon. I'm not impressed... I'm pissed off! My friends have been eating their soup with a spoon for years!

The bottom line... sooner or later I will jump on the iPhone bandwagon when all of my favorite Palm OS programs jump ship. But until then, people should remember that although Microsoft is viewed as the evil King who tries to control and over tax his people, Apple is like the insatiable cousin, where if he was in power, would slowly turn the land into Mordor all for some stupid ring.

InstallerApp for iPhone Plans to Shake up Apple's Monopoly

Have an iPhone and want to install jailbroken apps that aren't available on Apple's iTunes? Well up until now your only option was to make a choice; help keep the AT&T/Apple iPhone monopoly going or jailbreak your iPhone. Well, not anymore. Now there is a program available for Mac (and soon for Windows) called InstallerApp from RipDev that lets you install jailbroken apps onto your iPhone without it needing to be jailbroken.

InstallerApp is a program that will allow you to download iPhone apps to your computer and then transfer them to your iPhone over a USB connection. Once you get the InstallerApp and have it running, you will see a list of thousands of iPhone apps available from non-app store sources. You can browse by category or search for programs. InstallerApp supports Installer and Cydia, the 2 best known package installer's of jailbroken iPhones.

InstallerApp is commercial software and is available for $7 from RipDev's site.

The bottom line... this is a great way for someone who wants to follow the rules and is too scared to jailbreak their iPhone, but wants to experience some of the great "underground" iPhone apps out there. Apple may try to play Big Brother and shelter us from apps they consider foolish or inappropriate, but with this program, everyone wins.

Halo 3 Mythic Map Pack due April 9, Gears 2 Maps due March 30

Halo 3 owners will be happy come April 9 when the new Mythic map pack becomes available. The Mythic map pack, (800 ms points or $9.99 US) will contain Assembly, an open area, circular map located in a Covenant Scarab factory similar to the Halo 2 multiplayer map Midship; Orbital, a map set on a UNSC ship in space; and Sandbox, a crossover between the desert landscape of Sandtrap and the forging flexability of Foundry. Sandbox has 3 different levels that are all connected to one another. A skybubble, ground level, and crypt.

Gears of War 2 owners will also have the Snowblind map pack available (800 ms points or $9.99 US) a few days before Halo 3 owners on March 30. Epic has stated that Snowblind will contain 3 new maps: Grindyard, Courtyard, and Under Hill.

GOOD DEAL: Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures

It's been little less than a year since the next big MMORPG Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures was released. 10 months to be exact. It's hype has come and gone, and despite being a good game, it was unable to find a core audience. Most contribute that to the supposed lack of late-game content. Either way, it is now on sale at Newegg.com for $12.99 (regular edition) or $19.99 (Collector's edition). The collector's edition contains everything in regular in addition to:
  • Hand-finished, metal-embossed oversized collector's box with inlay page and individually numbered holographic sticker
  • Leather map of Hyboria (faux) 14" x 20"
  • The Ring of Acheronia (exclusive in-game item)
  • Unique Bonus DVD featuring trailers, behind the scenes, developer diaries, and rich artwork
  • Official Age of Conan soundtrack CD
  • Art Book (128 pages)
  • Five free guest passes giving friends online access to the game for a limited time
  • The Drinking Cape (bonus in-game item)

Monday, March 23, 2009

Internet Vigilantism

8 Awesome Cases of internet vigilantism

This is an article from cracked.com discussing true stories of internet vigilantism. Very entertaining read. Some of the stories gathered here are how malicious, bully cops get their due and if your dog decides to relieve himself on a subway, you better clean it up or the shit will hit the... internet.

It's refreshing to see that the internet can be used for good purposes instead of spreading fear and the-sky-is-falling news. You see, the internet is not so bad. There are some good things that happen in this world because of it.

Additional Fee required to play Resident Evil 5 Versus mode

In a move that can only be considered ludicrous, Capcom is making its customers PAY for a multiplayer "versus" mode in it's new release Resident Evil 5. I've personally never heard of a game company charging a fee for a feature that most people consider standard on current generation games, but I guess Capcom has decided to be a rebel on this one.

Resident Evil 5 is the first in the Resident Evil Series that will allow the campaign to be played co-op, which Capcom deserves praise for, but it is the "deathmatch/survival" versus mode that Capcom thinks is worth an additional $5 on Xbox Live Marketplace or PlayStation Network. The higher-ups at Capcom must have been twisting their mustache a many nights to come up with this one. I had to check the date a couple times to make sure it wasn't April Fool's Day.

The bottom line... is that Capcom is on the wrong track with this one. Unless the game was truely intended for multiplayer, multiplayer modes are put into games for lagniappe (French for 'shits and giggles'). Sure people (I have no idea who) will pay for the versus mode, but is that really what Capcom wants to be known for? Releasing a shell of a game. I know... I know... Resident Evil 5 is great! The graphics are wonderful and the co-op campaign... blah, blah, blah, BUT this is just the first step into the realm of pure evil. Evil in the sense that gaming companies will want to start squeezing every single dime they can out of us videogame fanatics. Some argue they are already doing it. If you bought Resident Evil 5 and are reading this, then DO NOT BUY THIS CRAP!!! It's kind of like banging that great looking girl sporting a fever blister without a condom, you'll regret it in the long run.

It's worthy to note that the Resident Evil franchise was never really intended to compete with Halo 3, Killzone 2, and such. As mentioned before, the versus mode in Resident Evil 5 probably falls into the just-put-some-crappy-mulitplayer-mode-together category, people may not be so disheartened, but could you imagine if you had to pay for Halo 3 multiplayer. I'm not even sure if the single player game is worth $60. All of a sudden, the longevity and value of the game you bought goes way down. Either way, epic fail Capcom... epic fail.

Mass Effect 2 heading to PC, Xbox 360 early 2010

BioWare has recently confirmed that Mass Effect 2 will be heading to PC and Xbox 360 in "early 2010". No mention of a PS3 version was announced.

Mass Effect sold over 1.6 million copies in just 6 weeks of its release. Calling it a success is a bit of an understatement. Bioware has confirmed that Mass Effect 2 has an "in-development" status while Mass Effect 3 is in "pre-development". Not much is known yet about Mass Effect 2, but Casey Hudson, the Project Director for BioWare, has said that players should keep their Mass Effect save-files, because decisions made by the player in the first game will continue to have influences on their character in the sequel.

BioWare has a long history of successful games with titles such as Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale, and Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. There is no reason to believe that Mass Effect 2 will be any less of a blockbuster title.

On a side note, another soon-to-be-released (Q3/Q4 2009) game from BioWare is Dragon Age: Origins. It is described as a spiritual successor to the Baldur's Gate series, but not set in the Dungeons & Dragons universe. Though Dragon Age: Origins is a single-player game, it will include a toolset that will allow for user-created content.

People who assume that Dragon Age: Origins will just be Mass Effect with a medieval setting will be sorely mistaken. What race and class you pick will determine which 1 of 6 paths you take from beginning till end and also what options and quests will be available within the game. Dragon Age: Origins is scheduled for a Q3/Q4 2009 release.

MTG expansion Alara Reborn rumored to be a completely multicolored set

The rumors have become one step closer to becoming a reality since WotC (Wizards of the Coast) previewed Ardent Plea, a card (well, just the picture for the card) that will be available in the next MTG (Magic the Gathering) expansion - Alara Reborn. For a couple months, people have been speculating that WotC was going to make an entire multicolor expansion considering all the emphasis on multicolor in Shards of Alara and Conflux (the 2 previous expansions). Those predictions are now one step closer to being confirmed.

Halo Wars sells 1 million units

Most people by now know that Ensemble Studios went the way of the dodo bird, but their final game has proven to be a success. According to Microsoft, over one million units of Halo Wars have been sold and over 2.6 million multiplayer matches played on Xbox Live. Seems as though Ensemble Studio's swan song has been well-recieved by the gaming masses despite the comments from gamers at message boards and forums stating how "average" the gameplay is and how RTS doesn't work on a console. The numbers don't lie.

Halo Wars IS an average RTS when compared to a PC RTS, but if you think like that - then, Halo 3 is also "average" due to the fact that the game is played using a game controller instead of a keyboard and mouse.

The bottom line... is even though Halo Wars is not the most advanced, next-generation RTS game, it is still enjoyable and lets you experience the Halo universe from a different perspective. I personally enjoy the game. It refreshing, and the online co-op is a blast. Plus, everyone is hindered by the awkward controls, so no one is at a disadvantage. Just relax and play the game, or relax and don't. Stop the hate.

GOOD DEAL for week 13 (Mar 22 - 28)

Only good deal worth mentioning in Sunday papers is a Xbox Live 12 + 1 month Gold card for $29.99 at K-mart. Normally a $49.99 price at K-Mart. This is the slow season for videogames. :( Maybe we will have better luck next week.

K-mart ad

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Halo 3 user created content (Forge)

When Halo 3 came out, a little known feature called forge was available within the game. Forge is a gameplay mode that allows for both playing and designing multiplayer maps within the preset Halo 3 maps. Options include changing and resetting respawn points, weapon spawn points, weapon timers, vehicle spawns and timers, and adding existing geometry to the map’s existing structure in the form of crates, boxes, fusion coils, gravity lifts, telelporters, turrets, etc. Being kind of basic, it wasn't exactly the most popular feature of Halo 3. I personally viewed it more as a gimmick than an actual feature.

Then the Heroic map pack came out on Dec 11, 2007, and there was a "blank canvas" map type called Foundry that allowed players to basically create levels. Of course, a group of gamers gathered to make the most of the tools that Bungie provided them and some really good maps came out. But... glitches began to leak and the options for map building exponentially increased.

This is the first video in a series of videos that teach how to do some of the forge glitches.

It is possible (with glitches) to have many more options available to map builders. The above picture is from a Lockdown map called "8 emerald legs" that has been forged. Players may marvel at the giant spider above the oil rig, but what is not immediately apparent is that the giant spider is playable. Meaning, you can run on top of, inside of, and around... of... ?!? the spider. It is a display of extraordinary ingenuity. Though not obvious, it IS very playable.

Racing around a halo map is not the first thing that comes to mind when you pop in a Halo 3 disc, but because of forge there are now some interesting race maps created. One of the best is "Quasar". It is fun because not only do you race, but you can also carry a passenger and have then shoot at the other riders. Careful though, they are shooting at you too!

The bottom line... is that despite the primitive tools available in forge, some very crafty, fun-to-play maps can be created. There are many more options available than appear at first glance. And if you are paranoid that Bungie considers this hacking or cracking the game... don't be. They have been on record saying that they love the ingenuity of the forgers out there and that they had no idea it would be as successful as it was. So enjoy.

Forging 101 (Beginner's guide to forging)

Best of Forge Spring/Summer '08
Best of Forge Fall/Winter '08

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